Trade Information


coupon bonds KZ2P00010788 (KZ2P00010788)
Last coupon rate, % APR : 20,500
Days to maturity: 484
Circulation period: 19.01.24 – 19.07.26
Date/Period Bid Offer Last W-aver High Low Trade Bonds m. KZT th. USD
14.03.25 99,9695 101,9999 0 0,0 0,0
13.03.25 94,0000 101,9999 0 0,0 0,0
From 27.02.24 100,0000 99,8778 102,0000 99,0523 140 13 438 6 953,5 14 705,5
Date/Period Bid Offer Last W-aver High Low Trade Bonds m. KZT th. USD
14.03.25 515 507,2222 525 659,2222 0 0,0 0,0
13.03.25 485 375,0000 525 374,5000 0 0,0 0,0
From 27.02.24 515 090,2778 517 448,4494 534 436,1111 496 404,0000 140 13 438 6 953,5 14 705,5
Date/Period Bid Offer Last W-aver High Low Trade Bonds m. KZT th. USD
14.03.25 20,50 18,76 0 0,0 0,0
13.03.25 25,87 18,76 0 0,0 0,0
From 27.02.24 20,47 20,57 21,00 18,84 140 13 438 6 953,5 14 705,5

Last 10 deals with MFTSb2
(except for special trading sessions)

Deal date Deal time Value trend, % Объём бумаг Volume, mln KZT Volume, USD th
12.03.25 13:14:58 100,0000 +0,01 3 1,5 3,2
07.03.25 13:40:56 99,9900 +0,02 4 2,1 4,1
06.03.25 16:55:22 99,9680 0 2 1,0 2,1
06.03.25 14:52:38 99,9680 0 25 12,8 25,8
06.03.25 14:41:36 99,9680 -0,02 7 3,6 7,2
06.03.25 11:33:01 99,9900 0 1 0,513 1,0
04.03.25 14:42:10 99,9900 +0,09 3 1,5 3,1
28.02.25 12:38:00 99,9000 -0,07 1 0,511 1,0
25.02.25 14:14:12 99,9693 -1,99 3 1,5 3,0
18.02.25 13:35:26 102,0000 0 1 0,518 1,0
Deal date Deal time Value trend, % Объём бумаг Volume, mln KZT Volume, USD th
12.03.25 13:14:58 515 090,2767 +0,01 3 1,5 3,2
07.03.25 13:40:56 513 616,6675 +0,02 4 2,1 4,1
06.03.25 16:55:22 513 221,9450 0 2 1,0 2,1
06.03.25 14:52:38 513 221,9444 0 25 12,8 25,8
06.03.25 14:41:36 513 221,9443 -0,02 7 3,6 7,2
06.03.25 11:33:01 513 331,9400 0 1 0,513 1,0
04.03.25 14:42:10 512 762,5000 +0,09 3 1,5 3,1
28.02.25 12:38:00 510 604,1700 -0,07 1 0,511 1,0
25.02.25 14:14:12 510 096,5000 -1,99 3 1,5 3,0
18.02.25 13:35:26 518 256,9400 0 1 0,518 1,0
Deal date Deal time Value, % APR trend, b.p. Объём бумаг Volume, mln KZT Volume, USD th
12.03.25 13:14:58 20,47 -1 3 1,5 3,2
07.03.25 13:40:56 20,48 -2 4 2,1 4,1
06.03.25 16:55:22 20,50 0 2 1,0 2,1
06.03.25 14:52:38 20,50 0 25 12,8 25,8
06.03.25 14:41:36 20,50 +2 7 3,6 7,2
06.03.25 11:33:01 20,48 0 1 0,513 1,0
04.03.25 14:42:10 20,48 -8 3 1,5 3,1
28.02.25 12:38:00 20,56 +6 1 0,511 1,0
25.02.25 14:14:12 20,50 +166 3 1,5 3,0
18.02.25 13:35:26 18,84 -1 1 0,518 1,0

Other securities "MFO "TAS FINANCE GROUP" LLP

Symbol ISIN Board Sector Category Trades Index
MFTSb1 KZ2P00010580 alternative debt securities облигации 19.12.23
MFTSb2 KZ2P00010788 alternative debt securities bonds 27.02.24
Trading code:
List of securities:
official, alternative board, category "bonds"
System of quotation:
clean price
Unit of quotation:
nominal value percentage fraction
Quotation currency:
Quotation accuracy:
4 characters
Number of securities in one lot:
Trade lists admission date:
Trade opening date:
Market Makers:
Bond's name:
coupon bonds
Current coupon rate, % APR:
Currency of issue and service:
Nominal value in issue's currency:
500 000,00
Number of registered bonds:
20 000
Issue volume, KZT:
10 000 000 000
Number of bonds outstanding:
17 740
Coupon rate type:
Settlement basis (days in month / days in year:
Date of circulation start:
Circulation term, years:
Circulation term, days:
Date of the previous coupon payment:
Number of days till nearest coupon payment:
Registry fixation date of the nearest coupon payment:
Period of the next coupon payment:
19.04.25 – 25.04.25
Coupon payment schedule:
Register fixation date at maturity:
Principal repayment period:
Admission initiator: