Trade Information


coupon bonds KZ2C00011534 (KZ2C00011534)
National company Food contract corporation JSC
Last coupon rate, % APR : 17,250
Days to maturity: 102
Circulation period: 27.06.24 – 27.06.25

Other securities National company Food contract corporation JSC

Symbol ISIN Board Sector Category Trades Index
PRKRb7 KZ2C00008464 main debt securities облигации 07.03.25
PRKRb8 KZ2C00008506 main debt securities облигации 08.04.22 KASE_BM*
PRKRb9 KZ2C00010023 main debt securities bonds 07.03.25
PRKRb10 KZ2C00011534 main debt securities commercial bonds 03.07.24
PRKRe1 RU000A102BF7 main debt securities облигации 31.03.21
Trading code:
List of securities:
official, main board, category "commercial bonds"
System of quotation:
clean price
Unit of quotation:
nominal value percentage fraction
Quotation currency:
Quotation accuracy:
4 characters
Number of securities in one lot:
Trade lists admission date:
Trade opening date:
Market Makers:
Bond's name:
coupon bonds
Current coupon rate, % APR:
Currency of issue and service:
Nominal value in issue's currency:
1 000,00
Number of registered bonds:
57 900 000
Issue volume, KZT:
57 900 000 000
Number of bonds outstanding:
13 000 000
Coupon rate type:
Settlement basis (days in month / days in year:
Date of circulation start:
Circulation term, days:
Date of the previous coupon payment:
Number of days till nearest coupon payment:
Registry fixation date of the nearest coupon payment:
Period of the next coupon payment:
27.06.25 – 11.07.25
Coupon payment schedule:
Register fixation date at maturity:
Principal repayment period:
Name of issuer's financial cinsultant:
"Teniz Capital Investment Banking" JSC
Admission initiator:
"Азық-түлік келісімшарт корпорациясы" Ұлттық компаниясы" АҚ
Highlighted news contain information on the company ratings
12.03.25 09:15 Subscription for bonds KZ2C00010023 (PRKRb9) of National company Food contract corporation is held on KASE today
11.03.25 15:31 On March 12, subscription for bonds KZ2C00010023 (PRKRb9) of National company Food contract corporation will be held on KASE
11.03.25 11:43 As of March 13, bonds of 10 names will be included in T+ List
06.03.25 14:57 Trading in bonds KZ2C00008464 (PRKRb7) and KZ2C00010023 (PRKRb9) of National company Food contract corporation opens on KASE from March 7
18.02.25 18:30 National company Food contract corporation on February 18 raised KZT16.1 bn on KASE via subscription by placing bonds KZ2C00010023 (PRKRb9) at yield to maturity of 18.00 % APR
18.02.25 09:09 Subscription for bonds KZ2C00010023 (PRKRb9) of National company Food contract corporation is held on KASE today
17.02.25 15:28 On February 18, subscription for bonds KZ2C00010023 (PRKRb9) of National company Food contract corporation will be held on KASE
12.02.25 17:20 Special trading session for offering of 35.0 mln bonds KZ2C00010023 (PRKRb9) of National company Food contract corporation declared failed
12.02.25 17:14 Special trading session for offering of 10,950,000 bonds KZ2C00008464 (PRKRb7) of National company Food contract corporation declared failed
12.02.25 08:56 Special trading session for offering of 35.0 mln bonds KZ2C00010023 (PRKRb9) of National company Food contract corporation is held on KASE today
All issuer news