Trade Information


coupon bonds KZ2C00008506
National company Food contract corporation JSC
Last coupon rate, % APR : 15,500
Days to maturity: 22
Circulation period: 07.04.22 – 07.04.25
Date/Period Bid Offer Last W-aver High Low Trade Bonds m. KZT th. USD
14.03.25 99,9500 100,0249 0 0,0 0,0
13.03.25 99,9500 100,0264 0 0,0 0,0
From 08.04.22 99,9675 99,8509 102,8769 96,8286 670 78 611 129 81 733,5 173 426,5
Date/Period Bid Offer Last W-aver High Low Trade Bonds m. KZT th. USD
14.03.25 1 068,8194 1 069,5684 0 0,0 0,0
13.03.25 1 068,3889 1 069,1529 0 0,0 0,0
From 08.04.22 1 067,2722 1 039,7199 1 089,0112 978,8386 670 78 611 129 81 733,5 173 426,5
Date/Period Bid Offer Last W-aver High Low Trade Bonds m. KZT th. USD
14.03.25 15,93 14,50 0 0,0 0,0
13.03.25 15,88 14,50 0 0,0 0,0
From 08.04.22 15,50 15,18 16,90 13,39 670 78 611 129 81 733,5 173 426,5

Last 10 deals with PRKRb8
(except for special trading sessions)

Deal date Deal time Value trend, % Объём бумаг Volume, mln KZT Volume, USD th
12.03.25 14:13:24 99,9675 -0,12 1 393 300 1 487,0 3 043,9
04.03.25 16:40:14 100,0865 -0,00 1 0,001 0,002
03.03.25 11:30:03 100,0895 -0,00 1 0,001 0,002
28.02.25 13:52:30 100,0925 -0,02 1 0,001 0,002
26.02.25 14:59:43 100,1111 +0,11 4 709 5,0 10,0
25.02.25 16:32:11 100,0044 0 550 000 583,2 1 159,7
25.02.25 16:31:54 100,0044 0 500 000 530,2 1 054,2
25.02.25 16:31:42 100,0044 -0,11 500 000 530,2 1 054,2
25.02.25 14:37:15 100,1143 -0,01 1 0,001 0,002
21.02.25 11:57:38 100,1206 +0,23 5 0,005 0,011
Deal date Deal time Value trend, % Объём бумаг Volume, mln KZT Volume, USD th
12.03.25 14:13:24 1 067,2722 -0,12 1 393 300 1 487,0 3 043,9
04.03.25 16:40:14 1 065,0200 -0,00 1 0,001 0,002
03.03.25 11:30:03 1 064,6200 -0,00 1 0,001 0,002
28.02.25 13:52:30 1 064,2200 -0,02 1 0,001 0,002
26.02.25 14:59:43 1 061,8193 +0,11 4 709 5,0 10,0
25.02.25 16:32:11 1 060,3218 0 550 000 583,2 1 159,7
25.02.25 16:31:54 1 060,3218 0 500 000 530,2 1 054,2
25.02.25 16:31:42 1 060,3218 -0,11 500 000 530,2 1 054,2
25.02.25 14:37:15 1 061,4200 -0,01 1 0,001 0,002
21.02.25 11:57:38 1 060,6220 +0,23 5 0,005 0,011
Deal date Deal time Value, % APR trend, b.p. Объём бумаг Volume, mln KZT Volume, USD th
12.03.25 14:13:24 15,50 +150 1 393 300 1 487,0 3 043,9
04.03.25 16:40:14 14,00 0 1 0,001 0,002
03.03.25 11:30:03 14,00 0 1 0,001 0,002
28.02.25 13:52:30 14,00 0 1 0,001 0,002
26.02.25 14:59:43 14,00 -100 4 709 5,0 10,0
25.02.25 16:32:11 15,00 0 550 000 583,2 1 159,7
25.02.25 16:31:54 15,00 0 500 000 530,2 1 054,2
25.02.25 16:31:42 15,00 +100 500 000 530,2 1 054,2
25.02.25 14:37:15 14,00 0 1 0,001 0,002
21.02.25 11:57:38 14,00 -200 5 0,005 0,011

Other securities National company Food contract corporation JSC

Symbol ISIN Board Sector Category Trades Index
PRKRb7 KZ2C00008464 main debt securities облигации 07.03.25
PRKRb8 KZ2C00008506 main debt securities облигации 08.04.22 KASE_BM*
PRKRb9 KZ2C00010023 main debt securities bonds 07.03.25
PRKRb10 KZ2C00011534 main debt securities commercial bonds 03.07.24
PRKRe1 RU000A102BF7 main debt securities облигации 31.03.21
Trading code:
List of securities:
official, main board, category "облигации"
System of quotation:
clean price
Unit of quotation:
nominal value percentage fraction
Quotation currency:
Quotation accuracy:
4 characters
Number of securities in one lot:
Trade lists admission date:
Trade opening date:
Bond's name:
coupon bonds
Current coupon rate, % APR:
Currency of issue and service:
Nominal value in issue's currency:
1 000,00
Number of registered bonds:
40 000 000
Issue volume, KZT:
40 000 000 000
Number of bonds outstanding:
40 000 000
Issue registration date:
Coupon rate type:
Settlement basis (days in month / days in year:
Date of circulation start:
Circulation term, years:
Circulation term, days:
1 080
Date of the previous coupon payment:
Number of days till nearest coupon payment:
Registry fixation date of the nearest coupon payment:
Period of the next coupon payment:
07.04.25 – 21.04.25
Coupon payment schedule:
Register fixation date at maturity:
Principal repayment period:
Name of issuer's financial cinsultant:
Freedom Finance JSC
АО "Центральный депозитарий ценных бумаг" (Алматы)
Highlighted news contain information on the company ratings
12.03.25 09:15 Subscription for bonds KZ2C00010023 (PRKRb9) of National company Food contract corporation is held on KASE today
11.03.25 15:31 On March 12, subscription for bonds KZ2C00010023 (PRKRb9) of National company Food contract corporation will be held on KASE
11.03.25 11:43 As of March 13, bonds of 10 names will be included in T+ List
06.03.25 14:57 Trading in bonds KZ2C00008464 (PRKRb7) and KZ2C00010023 (PRKRb9) of National company Food contract corporation opens on KASE from March 7
18.02.25 18:30 National company Food contract corporation on February 18 raised KZT16.1 bn on KASE via subscription by placing bonds KZ2C00010023 (PRKRb9) at yield to maturity of 18.00 % APR
18.02.25 09:09 Subscription for bonds KZ2C00010023 (PRKRb9) of National company Food contract corporation is held on KASE today
17.02.25 15:28 On February 18, subscription for bonds KZ2C00010023 (PRKRb9) of National company Food contract corporation will be held on KASE
12.02.25 17:20 Special trading session for offering of 35.0 mln bonds KZ2C00010023 (PRKRb9) of National company Food contract corporation declared failed
12.02.25 17:14 Special trading session for offering of 10,950,000 bonds KZ2C00008464 (PRKRb7) of National company Food contract corporation declared failed
12.02.25 08:56 Special trading session for offering of 35.0 mln bonds KZ2C00010023 (PRKRb9) of National company Food contract corporation is held on KASE today
All issuer news