Trade Information
the total market value of shares of the company – 297,15 m. KZT ($0,60 m.)
Republic of Kazakhstan, 030500, Aktobe region, Badamsha village, Kargaly district district, Zhonys Ukubayev, 56, 2
Primary activity:
exploration, production, processing and sales of mineral products
Chief executive officer:
Irgebayev Keneskhan General director
Symbol ISIN Board Sector Category Trades Index
ATVS KZ1C00001155 alternative shares 19.02.16

as of Jan. 1, 2025 ( previous extract )

Shareholder Common shares, pieces Common shares, shareholding % Preferred shares Total shares, pieces Total shares, shareholding %
"Qazaq Iron" LLP 224 945 50,00 224 945 50,00
"EVO ST GROUP" LLP 134 967 30,00 134 967 30,00
GEMINI MINING B.V. 44 989 10,00 44 989 10,00
"KAPITALINVEST" LLP 44 989 10,00 44 989 10,00
Authorized ordinary shares, pieces 449 890
Authorized preferred shares, pieces
Issued ordinary shares, pieces 449 890
Issued preferred shares, pieces
Treasury ordinary shares, pieces
Treasury preferred shares, pieces
Outstanding ordinary shares, pieces
Outstanding preferred shares, pieces
IndicatorAs of 01.10.24As of 01.07.24
Authorized capital 297 152,00 тыс. KZT 297 152,00 тыс. KZT
Equity capital -4 219 796,00 тыс. KZT -4 094 247,00 тыс. KZT
Total assets 9 843,00 тыс. KZT 15 685,00 тыс. KZT
Total liabilities 4 229 639,00 тыс. KZT 4 109 932,00 тыс. KZT
Net income -384 756,00 тыс. KZT -259 207,00 тыс. KZT
Book value of common share -9 382,00 KZT -9 101,00 KZT
ROA -3 908,93% -1 652,58%
ROE 9,12% 6,33%