Trade Information


0,21 0,67%
Shares US37954Y7159 Mirae Asset Global Investments Global X Robotics & Artificial Intelligence ETF
managed by Global X Management Company LLC

These securities were listed at KASE under a simplified procedure
Date/Period Bid Offer Last W-aver High Low Trade Shares m. KZT th. USD
14.03.25 29,86 30,28 0 0,0 0,0
13.03.25 31,46 30,69 31,41 31,37 31,41 31,36 2 6 0,092 0,188
Last 52 weeks 31,41 32,46 35,02 28,06 49 1 056 17,5 34,3
Недостаточно данных для построения графика

Last 10 deals with BOTZ_KZ
(except for special trading sessions)

Deal date Deal time Price, value Price, trend % Number of shares, pcs. Volume, mln KZT Volume, USD th
13.03.25 14:36:37 31,41 +0,16 1 0,015 0,031
13.03.25 13:27:38 31,36 +0,51 5 0,077 0,157
12.03.25 19:28:42 31,20 +1,66 2 0,030 0,062
12.03.25 17:41:04 30,69 -9,20 190 2,8 5,8
11.03.25 11:42:26 33,80 0 6 0,100 0,203
12.02.25 14:01:17 33,80 0 35 0,599 1,2
12.02.25 14:01:15 33,80 -2,40 150 2,6 5,1
12.02.25 13:38:44 34,63 0 1 0,018 0,035
12.02.25 13:30:28 34,63 +4,91 4 0,070 0,139
06.02.25 11:32:25 33,01 -0,15 1 0,017 0,033

Other securities Mirae Asset Global Investments

Symbol ISIN Board Sector Category Trades Index
BOTZ_KZ US37954Y7159 mix KASE Global 17.06.24
URA_KZ US37954Y8710 mix KASE Global 26.08.22
Trading code:
List of securities:
Quotation currency:
Quotation accuracy:
2 characters
Number of securities in one lot:
Listing date:
Trades opening date:
Full name:
Global X Robotics & Artificial Intelligence ETF
Fund type:
Management company:
Global X Management Company LLC
Date of official registration:
Admission initiator:
Subsidiary organization of Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan Halyk Finance JSC
Main market:
Website of the main exchange:
Underlying asset:
Indxx Global Robotics & Artificial Intelligence Thematic Index shares
Highlighted news contain information on the company ratings
11.06.21 17:04 KASE equity market overview for May 2021
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