Trade Information

Repo indicators

Last data time 14.03.2025 16:47:03
Last value 15,63
open 15,75
Minimum 15,63
Minimum in 52 weeks 12,75
Change from the beginning of the month +0,94
Change from the beginning of the month, % +6,40
Transaction volume, bn KZT 398,9
Market status Closed
Change to previous value -0,23
Previous close 15,86
Maximum in 52 weeks 15,98
Maximum in 52 weeks 15,98
Change from the beginning of the year +1,24
Change from the beginning of the year, % +8,62
Transactions amount, m USD 805,5

The TRION (Tenge repo index OverNight) indicator represents the weighted average interest rate on repo opening deals for one business day, concluded on the Exchange in the automatic repo sector with securities of the GS Basket, for which the Exchange carries out clearing activities using the services of the Central Counterparty.

Unit of measurement: % per annum

Indicator update time: in real time

Indicator trend update time: calculated in real time relative to the value of the previous trading day

Last data time 14.03.2025 15:44:03
Last value 16,02
open 16,10
Minimum 16,02
Minimum in 52 weeks 13,00
Change from the beginning of the month +0,84
Change from the beginning of the month, % +5,53
Transaction volume, bn KZT 57,0
Market status Closed
Change to previous value +0,01
Previous close 16,01
Maximum in 52 weeks 16,20
Maximum in 52 weeks 16,25
Change from the beginning of the year +1,18
Change from the beginning of the year, % +7,95
Transactions amount, m USD 115,1

The TWINA (Tenge Week Index Average) indicator represents the weighted average interest rate on repo opening deals for seven business days, concluded on the Exchange in the automatic repo sector with securities of the GS Basket, for which the Exchange carries out clearing activities using the services of the Central Counterparty. From 01.09.01 to 31.12.09 the indicator was calculated once a day, starting from 01.01.10 the indicator value is recalculated after the conclusion of each deal.

Unit of measurement: % per annum

Indicator update time: in real time

Indicator trend update time: calculated in real time relative to the value of the previous trading

Indicator TRION

Изменение индикатора TRIONв течение