Trade Information

Swap indicators

Last data time 14.03.2025 15:14:01
Last value 11,33
open 11,21
Minimum 11,21
Minimum in 52 weeks 4,00
Change from the beginning of the month +1,40
Change from the beginning of the month, % +14,09
Transaction volume, bn KZT 74,2
Market status Closed
Change to previous value -0,50
Previous close 11,83
Maximum in 52 weeks 11,39
Maximum in 52 weeks 14,00
Change from the beginning of the year +4,21
Change from the beginning of the year, % +59,10
Transactions amount, m USD 147,4

The indicator of profitability of the one-day USD/KZT currency swap transactions represents the deals-volume-weighted yield of all opening deals of the associated currency swap's transactions for one working day, concluded in KASE trading system during the day. Every working day after the trades from 17:00 to 20:00 o'clock.

Measurement unit: % APR

Indicators update time: daily on business days upon completion of trading from 17:00 to 20:00 (GMT +06:00)

Indicator's trend update duration:calculated in real time relative to the previous trading day's value

Last data time 14.03.2025 15:28:46
Last value 11,39
open 11,78
Minimum 11,39
Minimum in 52 weeks 3,66
Change from the beginning of the month +1,27
Change from the beginning of the month, % +12,58
Transaction volume, bn KZT 209,3
Market status Closed
Change to previous value -0,70
Previous close 12,09
Maximum in 52 weeks 11,78
Maximum in 52 weeks 14,68
Change from the beginning of the year +2,32
Change from the beginning of the year, % +25,61
Transactions amount, m USD 415,8

The indicator of profitability of the two-day USD/KZT currency swap transactions represents the deals-volume-weighted yield of all opening deals of the associated currency swap's transactions for two working days, concluded in KASE trading system during the day. Every working day after the trades from 17:00 to 20:00 o'clock.

Measurement unit: % APR

Indicators update time: daily on business days upon completion of trading from 17:00 to 20:00 (GMT +06:00)

Indicator's trend update duration:calculated in real time relative to the previous trading day's value

Изменение индикатора SWAP-1D (USD) в течение