Trade Information

KASE Electronic Museum

KASE Electronic Museum

Welcome to the virtual representation of the KASE Museum!

The KASE Museum was established in 2018 in honor of the 25th anniversary. Almost all historical information about the activities, unique facts and everyday life of the Exchange is accumulated here, which helps to explain and show its visitors the importance of KASE activities both for the country as a whole and for a particular person.

Have a nice walk around the KASE virtual museum!


The photo shows a screen with the results of voting at the general meeting of shareholders of the Exchange in 1995 on the development of an electronic trading system.
Idel Sabitov, a software engineer, created the first electronic system for trading currencies using the counter auction method. Since 2002, Idel Sabitov has been the Deputy Chairman of KASE's Management Board. Written using the Clipper programming language, the program was launched in October 1995 for trading in US dollars and Deutschmarks. Since March 21, 1996, the continuous counter auction method through the electronic method of entering and processing orders has been used as the main method of trading currencies on an ongoing basis. Fixing and the open outcry method remained in the Exchange's arsenal only as reserve trading methods.
More details about this can be found in the note "From chalk and blackboard to trading in remote access mode" (16th page) of KASE's book "Building the Future".

The first electronic system for conducting currency trading by the counter auction method was created. Written using the Clipper programming language, it was launched in October 1995 for trading in US dollars and Deutschmarks.

Two days after the establishment of the Exchange, on November 19, 1993, the first (historical) trades in the US dollar-tenge pair took place on its trading floor. The trading volume amounted to 300 thousand US dollars. The rate was formed at the level of 4.68 tenge per US dollar. The seller of dollars was the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and Kazkredsotsbank became the first buyer. The trades were conducted by way of open outcry, with a step of 1 tiyn, and were held by the fixing method: when the volumes of supply and demand were compared, the rate was fixed.
On November 26, 1993, the first trading in the Russian ruble took place. The rate was fixed at 3.84 tenge per 1,000 rubles. Back then, settlements on the Exchange took at least two days. In order to purchase foreign currency, it was necessary to credit tenge to the Exchange's account beforehand.
The buyer received the purchased currency directly from the seller (not through the Exchange) on the next business day after the conclusion of the transaction. For Russian rubles, the settlement period could reach 15 days. Initially, auctions were held once a week, usually on Fridays, and by way of open outcry. Dealers of banks - trading participants raised plates with registration numbers and announced their rate of buying or selling currency.
More details about this can be found in the "New currency - new exchange" section (10th page) of KASE's book "Building the Future".

On November 19, the first trades in foreign currencies took place – the US dollar. 1 dollar cost 4.68 tenge. On November 26, trading in the Russian ruble took place. 1,000 rubles cost 3.84 tenge.

In 1996, the company was renamed into Kazakhstan Stock Exchange CJSC (1993 – Kazakh Interbank Currency Exchange, 1994 – Kazakhstan Interbank Currency Exchange, 1995 – Kazakhstan Interbank Currency and Stock Exchange).
The Act of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the Securities Market" dated March 5, 1997 did not allow the stock exchange to perform the functions of "other exchanges", on April 12, 1997 the general meeting of shareholders decided to complete the reorganization of the Exchange by spinning off as a separate legal entity – Almaty Financial Instruments Exchange CJSC (AFINEX).
On July 10, 1998, clarifications were made to the Act "On the Securities Market": the ban for the stock exchange on the activities of "other exchanges" was narrowed down to "commodity exchanges". And since currencies were not included in the official list of exchange commodities, KASE and AFINEX got the right to reunite.
By April 1, 1999, all legal procedures for the merger of stock exchanges were completed, and the name "Kazakhstan Stock Exchange", as well as the well-known abbreviation KASE, remain unchanged to this day.
For more details, see the note "Brand Evolution" (57th page) of KASE's book "Building the Future".

In 1996, the Exchange was renamed into Kazakhstan Stock Exchange CJSC and the logo shown in the picture was registered which was used until 2016.

The photographs depict two visits of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, to the trading floor of the Exchange. The first three photos show the trading floor in the building of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Satpaev St. (Microdistrict "Koktem-3", building 21), 1997, the other photos – the trading floor on 67 Aiteke Bi Str., in 2000.

The First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev visited to the Exchange in 1997 and 2000.

The photo shows a certificate from FEAS, confirming the full membership of KASE in this federation.
KASE has been a full member of the Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges (FEAS) since 1997. The goal of the federation is to assist in the development of stock markets in the Eurasian region and to promote business cooperation between stock exchanges and professional stock market participants.
In 2010, during the General Assembly in Istanbul, KASE became the first stock exchange in Central Asia to join the Executive Committee of this organization.
In autumn 2011, KASE hosted the 17th FEAS General Assembly in Almaty.

The Exchange becomes a member of the Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges (FEAS) in 1997.

The picture shows the REUTERS logo used until 2008. It also provides screenshots of one of the first pages of AFINEX and KASE on the Reuters terminal.
Commisioning of own trading system in 1998 made it possible for members of the Exchange to participate in trading in the remote access mode, as well as organize the transmission of market data to Reuters terminals, and later to BLOOMBERG and to the Internet. In 1997–1999, the broadcast of trading on the pages of Reuters terminals was carried out either at the end of the day, or in a semi-automatic mode through a link to a Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet. In the 2000s, KASE, cooperating with Reuters and BLOOMBERG, debugged the transmission of market data in real time, and this technology has been used constantly since 2010, when KASE entered into the first license agreements with global providers for the sale of its market data in real time.

Organization of transmission of KASE market data to REUTERS terminals around the world.

On December 24, 1999, an auction was held in KASE's trading system to place the first issue of bonds of the local executive body of the city of Almaty, and on December 27, the first issue of bonds of the local executive body of the city of Astana.
The first auction to place bonds of Mangystau region in KASE's trading system was held on July 7, 1999, but its results were annulled by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, because investors declared too high yield. And although "you must spoil before you spin", this experience showed KASE's complete technological readiness for holding such auctions. The second attempt at initial placement was made on July 28 and was successful, the yield of securities amounted to 14.71% per annum to maturity with a circulation period of 12 months.
By the beginning of 2000, three successful auctions were held on the stock exchange for the placement of government securities of local executive bodies: the already mentioned bonds of the Mangystau region, as well as securities of the cities of Almaty and Astana. All of them were indexed to the change in the exchange rate of the tenge against the US dollar, as they had a face value of 100 US dollars and were serviced in tenge at the current exchange rate of the tenge against the dollar. The total amount of completed issues equaled the equivalent of USD7,824 th. in nominal terms, or KZT949,662.1 th. in terms of amount raised.
More details about this can be found in the section "Municipal bonds: act one" (70th page) of KASE's book "Building the Future".

First auction of municipal bonds. In July 1999 bonds of the local executive body of Mangistau region of the first issue began to circulate on KASE. They became the first securities that were sold on KASE by organizing an auction (later called specialized trades), and the first securities of executive authorities admitted to circulation on the Exchange.


The photographs show the beginning of the conference with the participation of the Chairman of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan Grigory Marchenko.
The organizers of the I Almaty Interbank conference of banks and exchanges of the CIS and Baltic countries were the National Bank of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan Stock Exchange, the Association of Financiers of Kazakhstan and Kazkommertsbank.
The event was attended by about 10 national banks, 15 currency and stock exchanges, 80 second-tier banks, international organizations and foreign banks.

The first Almaty interbank conference of banks and exchanges of the CIS and Baltic countries, held in Almaty in 2000.

The photo shows a certificate from the IAE CIS, confirming the full membership of KASE in this association.
The International Association of Exchanges of the Commonwealth of Independent States was established in April 2000.
The Association actively cooperates and directly participates in the activities of the CIS Executive Committee, the Eurasian Economic Commission, the Financial and Banking Council of the CIS, the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the CIS countries, in the development of model laws as part of the project groups of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly, in meetings of the heads of authorized bodies for regulation of securities markets, expert groups and Subcommittees of the Central (National) banks of the CIS countries.

Obtaining membership in the International Association of Exchanges of the Commonwealth of Independent States (IAE CIS).

The photographs depict the day of the first trades of STF RFCA in the Exchange's trading floor at 67 Aiteke Bi St. in 2007.
On June 5, 2006, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan signed the Act "On the Regional Financial Center of the city of Almaty", according to which the Regional Financial Center of the City of Almaty (RFCA) was endowed with a special legal regime governing the relationship between the participants of the financial center. The authorized body of the financial center was the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for regulation of the activities of the financial center (ARA RFCA). The development of the center was carried out by the specially created Regional Financial Center of the City of Almaty JSC.
During the development of the concept, a special trading platform was provided on the territory of the RFCA, which was not an independent stock exchange, but was operated (managed and serviced) by a stock exchange operating in Almaty. In accordance with the order of the ARD RFCA, KASE was designated as a special trading floor (STF RFCA).
More details about this can be found in the section "KASE and the Regional Financial Center (RFCA) Project" (109th page) of KASE's book "Building the Future".

Conducting the first trades on a special trading floor of the regional financial center of Almaty (STF RFCA) on the basis of KASE.


The photographs depict two sessions that took place within the framework of the forum.
November 24-25, 2010 KASE and Regional Financial Center of Almaty JSC held a forum "Kazakhstan stock market. IPO on KASE" in order to establish a constructive dialogue between the state and business circles. The discussion of the role of national companies' IPOs at KASE in the post-crisis development of Kazakhstan, the conditions for conducting IPOs at KASE and the investment potential of the Kazakhstani stock market was in the focus of attention of the forum participants.
Within the framework of the forum, training workshops were held for companies – issuers of securities on the topics "IPO & Road Show", "Increasing the efficiency of IR: principles of working with investors", "Communication support for IPOs in Kazakhstan" and "Rating of Kazakh companies".
The forum was attended by representatives of the leadership of authorities, national companies, large and medium-sized businesses, as well as heads of financial organizations and international investment funds.

Holding the forum "Securities market of Kazakhstan. IPO at KASE", organized by KASE jointly with Regional financial center of Almaty city JSC in Almaty.

From 27 to 29 September 2011, the 17th General Assembly of the Federation of Eurasian Stock Exchanges (FEAS) was held in Almaty with the assistance of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange. From the Kazakh side, support in organizing the event was also provided by the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Central Securities Depository.
As part of this large-scale international event, a marketing exhibition and conference on the development of corporate governance were organized, which were attended by more than 120 participants from 23 countries, including representatives of 16 stock exchanges.
The traditional marketing exhibition of FEAS member exchanges was organized on September 27, 2011. It was attended by representatives of seven exchanges: the Muscat Stock Exchange (Oman), the Istanbul Stock Exchange (Turkey), the Tehran Stock Exchange (Iran), the Abu Dhabi Stock Exchange (UAE), the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange (Belarus), the Lahore Stock Exchange (Pakistan) and Kazakhstan Stock Exchange.
On the same day, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) held the first meeting of the group, which considered the need to determine the level of development of the financial market as a basis for the development of corporate governance. At the OECD conference, delegates shared their experience in implementing the best corporate governance practices. In particular, the stimulating role of corporate governance in the development of stock markets was noted.
On September 28–29, meetings of the Working Group and the Executive Committee, as well as the 17th General Assembly of FEAS were held. Within the framework of the Assembly, with the assistance of KASE, the Eurasian Trading System, along with the Turkish Derivatives Exchange, was granted FEAS membership. The Assembly also granted the status of affiliated members of the Association of Arab Exchanges and the Swiss Futures and Options Association.
Within the framework of business meetings held during the Assembly, KASE signed memorandums of mutual cooperation with the Tehran and Istanbul stock exchanges.

Holding the 17th General Assembly of the Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges (FEAS), in Almaty.

The photographs show the opening ceremony of trading on KASE secondary market in shares of Kcell JSC in the premises of Almaty Towers business center rented by the company.
Shares of Kcell JSC were included in the official list of the Exchange by the first category on November 29, 2012. Simultaneously with the listing of common shares of Kcell JSC on KASE at the London Stock Exchange, global depositary receipts were listed, the underlying asset of which was common shares of Kcell JSC.
The price range for shares was set between 10.5 and 13.0 US dollars for global depositary receipts, and the cost of common shares at the beginning of trading was 1,578.68 tenge per share. In the course of subscription and special trading sessions on common shares of Kcell JSC on the exchange market of KASE, 7.6 billion tenge (9.44% of the total offer) were raised.
The event was attended by representatives of Kcell JSC, financial consultants of Kcell JSC – VISOR Capital JSC and Halyk Finance Subsidiary of Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC, as well as a legal advisor – SNR Denton Kazakhstan Limited.
More details about this can be found in the section "The firstborn of the "People's IPO" (169th page) of KASE's book "Building the Future".

Holding the opening ceremony of trading on KASE secondary market in shares of Kcell JSC on November 29, 2012.

The photos show the opening ceremony of trades on the secondary market of KASE in shares of KazTransOil JSC in the Exchange's trading floor.
The launch of the state program "People's IPO" in 2012 was a significant event in the securities market not only for KASE, but also for the whole country. The key task of its implementation, assigned to KASE, was to act as a technical organizer of subscription for shares of the first participant of the program – KazTransOil JSC in a completely new mode for the Exchange.
The road show of KazTransOil JSC covered all regions of the country. The dynamics of interest manifested itself immediately. At the end of the subscription, the number of open accounts reached 52,000.
22 brokerage companies and 10 APFs took part in the formation of the order book for the purchase of shares of KazTransOil JSC. The total demand more than doubled the supply and amounted to 59.4 billion tenge.
On December 25, 2012, secondary trading in common shares of KazTransOil JSC was opened at KASE. During the week of trading the securities rose in price to 837 tenge per share, which is 14% higher than the offering price (725 tenge). At the same time, many players, including pension funds, expecting further price growth, increased their positions in excess of the volume acquired during the subscription. Shares of KazTransOil JSC have become one of the most liquid on KASE and remain so to this day. For all subsequent years, the issuer of shares paid large dividends to its shareholders, thereby confirming that the choice of a pilot company for the People's IPO program was correct.
Representatives of KazTransOil JSC, Kazkommerts Securities JSC (a subsidiary of Kazkommertsbank JSC) and Promo Group Communications LLP, as well as UBS AG, PricewaterhouseCoopers Tax and Advisory LLP, legal firm "White&Case Kazakhstan" LLP and the Ernst & Young - the auditor of KazTransOil JSC took part in the trades opening ceremony.
More details about this can be found in the section "The firstborn of the "People's IPO"" (167th page) of KASE's book "Building the Future".

Holding the opening ceremony of trades on the secondary market of KASE in shares of KazTransOil JSC – the first company under the "People's IPO" program.

The photograph shows participants waiting for the event to begin in the lobby of the KIMEP University building.
On May 19, 2012, as part of the measures to attract retail investors to Kazakhstan market, KASE held its first "Open Day of Kazakhstan's Stock Market".
The event was organized as a one-day training program consisting of a series of educational blitz seminars on the Kazakhstan stock market for potential and existing retail investors.
The event was organized by Kazakhstan Stock Exchange JSC with the active assistance of ASYL-INVEST JSC, NOMAD FINANCE JSC, Academy of the Regional Financial Center of city of Almaty JSC. The event was held in the new building of KIMEP University in Almaty and was free for all participants. The seminars were attended by about 300 people.
As part of the event, booths of professional participants of the Kazakh market operated, presentations and lectures on exchange trading in financial instruments in Kazakhstan, as well as master classes on practical investment issues were held.
The event was held several times, the last one was held in 2014 and then was transformed into a slightly different, but also public format, called InvestShow.

Holding the event "Open Day of the Stock Market of Kazakhstan" – a series of educational blitz seminars on the stock market of Kazakhstan for potential and existing retail investors.

The photographs show the opening ceremony of trading on KASE secondary market of the Kazakh tenge/Chinese yuan currency pair in the Exchange's trading floor (280 Baizakov St.).
In the currency sector, after a very long break on September 25, 2014, a new instrument appeared. On this day, KASE opened trades in Chinese yuan for tenge. This was the result of the work that was carried out on the initiative of the National Bank and KASE, taking into account the recommendations of the Kazakh-Chinese Subcommittee on financial cooperation. It was both a reflection of economic reality and a political step, testifying to the growing relations between the two countries.
Until the end of 2014, more than 30 deals were made on this pair in the amount of 131 million tenge. The forecasts for the instrument were high given the growth rates of trade between the two countries and, as time has shown, they came true.
Representatives of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, People's Bank of China, Subsidiary Bank "Bank of China in Kazakhstan" JSC, Subsidiary Bank "Sberbank of Russia" JSC and KASE took part in the solemn ceremony of launching trading in a new currency pair.
More details about this can be found in the section "New currency pair - yuan for tenge" (200th page) of KASE's book "Building the Future".

Conducting the opening ceremony of trading on the KASE secondary market in the Kazakhstani tenge / Chinese yuan currency pair.

The photographs show the opening ceremony of trades on the secondary market of KASE in shares of BAST JSC in the Exchange's trading floor (280 Baizakov St.).
Involvement of the general public in activities on the securities market made it possible to implement another interesting project at KASE. On April 9, 2015, the solemn opening ceremony of trading in common shares of the mining company BAST JSC on KASE secondary market was held on the Exchange's trading floor. This was preceded by a public offering of the company's shares in the format of a classic IPO. The subscription was carried out according to the scheme already established within the framework of the "People's IPO" program at KASE, and Freedom Finance JSC acted as an underwriter.
In total, within the framework of subscription for the purchase of common shares of BAST JSC through four members of the Exchange individuals submitted 579 orders from 516 personal accounts for a total of KZT427.1 mln. Demand exceeded supply by 6.1%. 522 orders of individuals were excuted in the amount of 359.6 million tenge. Taking into account the shares left by the underwriter in its portfolio to fulfill the market-maker's duties on the Exchange, BAST JSC within the IPO sold on KASE all shares to be issued.
More details about this can be found in the "First Public Startup" section (196th page) of KASE's book "Building the Future".

Holding a ceremony of opening trades on the secondary market of KASE in shares of BAST JSC.

The photographs show the speakers of the first session and the signing of a memorandum of cooperation between KASE and the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE).
The Stock Market Forum was a large platform for communication between representatives of the state and private business, seeking to promote investment cooperation between the countries of Central Asia and China.
The participants of the forum got acquainted in more detail with the possibilities of implementing infrastructure projects and established direct business contacts with investors from China specializing in financing infrastructure projects. The event also included a discussion of the implementation of the Nurly Zhol State Infrastructure Development Program for 2015-2019.
The leaders of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and others took part in the forum as honorary guests from China.
Additionally, the forum was attended by about 60 representatives of the Chinese stock market interested in investing in the economy of the Central Asian region, heads of the largest commercial banks and brokerage organizations, representatives of subsoil user companies, heads of investment and consulting companies in China and Central Asia.

China-Central-Asian Stock Market Forum organized by KASE in Almaty (Kazakhstan) in May 2015.


The photographs show participants of the "Onsite Training", FEAS members, held by KASE in Almaty.
From September 18 to 22, 2017, KASE conducted a training for representatives of exchanges that are members of the Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges (FEAS, federation). The purpose of the training was the exchange of experience in the organizing interaction in the stock markets between specialists of exchanges.
Trainings (Onsite Training) are held annually by one of the exchanges - members of the federation. Each year, the FEAS administration selects 5-10 people from candidates - members of the federation to participate in the training.
As part of the training, KASE specialists made a general presentation of the securities market of Kazakhstan and spoke in more detail about the Exchange's activities. Representatives of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan introduced the topic of regulation of financial market participants and the prospects for its development. The training participants met with representatives of the Central Securities Depository of Kazakhstan and other market participants.

Conducting "Onsite Training" for members of the Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges (FEAS).

The photographs show the opening ceremony of trades on the secondary market of KASE in shares of Bank of Astana JSC in the Exchange's trading floor (280, Baizakov St.).
The IPO of Bank of Astana JSC, held at the end of June 2017, accumulated investor funds in the amount of 6.5 billion tenge. Demand during the subscription reached KZT7,549.7 mln and exceeded the originally announced supply volume by 1.5 times, with 93.5% of the money raised coming from retail investors.
The event was attended by representatives of the financial advisor and underwriter of Bank of Astana JSC – Freedom Finance JSC.
More details about this can be found in the section "Time of the securities market" (219th page) of KASE's book "Building the Future"

Opening ceremony of trades on the secondary market of KASE in shares of Bank of Astana JSC.

The photo shows the participants of the event dedicated to the creation of the KASE Startup platform. The event took place at Smart Point (280 Baizakov St.).
In June 2018, KASE opened the KASE Startup platform, designed primarily to establish communications between start-up companies and investors. The creation of such an unconventional platform for exchanges was aimed primarily at helping young and promising businesses find funding for its implementation. The second task was KASE's desire to motivate young companies to search for investors by disclosing information about themselves on the regulated stock market. An official website was created for this platform at
More details about this can be found in the section "Different issuers - different platforms" (222th page) of KASE's book "Building the Future".

Launch of "KASE Startup" platform.

The photographs show the opening ceremony of trading on KASE secondary market with a new financial instrument on the foreign exchange market – Chinese yuan per tenge with T+2 settlements in tenge (CNYKZT_SPT) on the Exchange's trading floor (280 Baizakov St.).
On September 14, 2017, KASE opened trading in a new financial instrument in the foreign exchange market – the yuan of the People's Republic of China (PRC) with T+2 settlements in tenge (CNYKZT_SPT). Representatives of Bank of China limited and SB "Bank of China in Kazakhstan" JSC took part in the opening of trades. On the opening day of trading SB "Bank of China in Kazakhstan" JSC, which is a market-maker in the market of the CNYKZT currency pair, made the first deal on the new financial instrument.

Opening ceremony of trading in a new financial instrument on the foreign exchange market – Chinese yuan for tenge with T + 2 settlements in tenge (CNYKZT_SPT).

The photo shows the participants of the "Ring the Bell for Gender Equality" ceremony and the striking of the gong, which symbolizes the beginning of trading on the Exchange. The event was held in the Exchange's press room (280 Baizakov St.)
On March 7, 2018, KASE, within the framework of the UN initiative "Sustainable Stock Exchanges", together with the UN Women structure, held the opening ceremony of trading on the KASE markets "Ring the Bell for Gender Equality".
The event is timed to coincide with International Women's Day and is designed to highlight the importance of promoting gender equality, empowering women, and enhancing their role in society.
KASE joined the UN initiative on September 24, 2015. On average, this action is supported by about 70 exchanges around the world.

Holding the "Ring the Bell for Gender Equality" ceremony.

The photographs show the main speakers and participants of the Kazakhstan Exchange Forum, held in the hall of the Ritz-Carlton Almaty hotel.
In honor of the 25th anniversary, on November 16, 2018, KASE held the Kazakhstan Exchange Forum, which took place within the framework of the VIII Congress of Financiers, organized by the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan jointly with the Association of Financiers of Kazakhstan.
The Kazakhstan Exchange Forum has become the central discussion platform for the stock market and the Central Asian region, which covered the issues of financing the economy through stock market instruments, developing the exchange infrastructure and promoting exchange instruments.
The forum discussed issues related to the integration processes of the financial market, including within the framework of the EAEU, and issues of changing the landscape of the market and financial services in terms of the introduction of digital technologies.

In the year of the 25th anniversary of KASE, the Kazakhstan Exchange Forum was held within the framework of the Congress of Financiers of Kazakhstan.

The photo shows a press briefing and signing of the Strategic Cooperation Agreement between KASE and the Moscow Exchange (MOEX) in the Exchange's press room (280 Baizakov St.).
A historic event for KASE was the emergence of such strategic partner as the MOEX. The strategic cooperation agreement and a number of related documents, signed on October 10, 2018, provided for the acquisition of MOEX trading and clearing systems, the launch of the Central Counterparty in all exchange markets and the acquisition by the MOEX up to a 20 % stake in KASE by the end of 2019.
The main goals of cooperation between the two exchanges are to expand the access of investors and trading participants to the exchange markets of Kazakhstan and Russia on the basis of a single technological platform; improving the reliability of infrastructure and reducing market risks through the development of the institution of the central counterparty; facilitating the entry of KASE to the public market and using the experience of the Moscow Exchange for the initial offering of KASE shares.
More details about this can be found in the "Selecting a strategic partner" section (230th page) of KASE's book "Building the Future".

Signing of a strategic cooperation agreement with the Moscow Exchange (MOEX).

The photo shows the presentation of KASE's book "Building the Future" in the Exchange's press room (280 Baizakov St.).
On January 17, 2019, Kazakhstan Stock Exchange held a literature evening as part of the presentation of the book released in honor of KASE's 25th anniversary.
The book, dedicated to the history of KASE and Kazakhstan's exchange market, was published in three languages: Kazakh – "Bolashak құrylu tarihy", Russian – "Как создавалось будущее" and English – "Building the Future". At the indicated link you can read the book in electronic form -
The book describes the history of the creation and development of Kazakhstan's exchange market and Kazakhstan Stock Exchange since November 17, 1993. When preparing the book, KASE archival materials, open sources, as well as memories of people who played a significant role in the formation and development of Kazakhstan's financial market and KASE were used.
The event was attended by the publishers of the book, representatives of the financial market, experts whose interviews were used in the book, managers and employees of the Exchange, as well as the media.

Presentation of KASE's book "Building the Future".

Since December 3, 2019, the ASTS+ system, developed on the basis of the MOEX trading and clearing system, has been introduced on KASE's securities market. From the same date, KASE began to perform the functions of the Central Counterparty for financial instruments, trades in which were opened in the new system. Both events are stages of implementation of the Strategic Partnership Agreement between KASE and MOEX.
On December 18, 2019, trading in shares was opened in ASTS+; bonds denominated in US dollars; securities of investment funds; international bonds of the Republic of Kazakhstan; securities of international financial organizations; derivative securities (GDRs). There are 168 instruments in total.
Alina Aldambergen, Chairperson of KASE's Management Board, noted: "Kazakhstan Stock Exchange, within the framework of the Strategic Partnership Agreement with MOEX, has acquired the high-tech ASTS+ system, which supports multiple trading modes and methods, provides for the use of central counterparty services. Today, KASE's settlement and clearing system fully complies with PFMI-IOSCO International Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures. The introduction of the CCP will reduce the transaction costs of trading participants and contribute to increased confidence in the securities market and confidence in transactions, since settlements are guaranteed by a highly reliable financial institution. The introduction of the CCP is expected to increase liquidity on account of attracting a larger number of trading participants and an increase in the customer base, including non-residents, as well as increase the recognition of Kazakhstan's securities market in the international arena".
During the press conference, diplomas were awarded to members of the Exchange – Freedom Finance JSC and BCC Invest JSC (a subsidiary of Bank CenterCredit JSC), who concluded the first deal in the new ASTS+ trading and clearing system on the opening date of the first trading in this system – December 3, 2019.

Launch of trading in the trading and clearing system ASTS+ and introduction of the services of the Central Counterparty in the stock market.