Trade Information

List of instruments

Main board
Debt securities
Alternative board
Debt securities
"Private placement" market
Other securities
Government securities

Total: instruments – 0 , issuers – 0
Ticker Company ISIN Type
AIRA Air Astana KZ1C00004050 ordinary share
HSBK Halyk Bank KZ000A0LE0S4 ordinary share
KCEL Kcell KZ1C00000876 ordinary share
KEGC KEGOC KZ1C00000959 ordinary share
KZTK Kazakhtelecom KZ0009093241 ordinary share
KZTKp Kazakhtelecom KZ0009094645 preferred share
KZTO KazTransOil KZ1C00000744 ordinary share
Subtotal: instruments – 7 , issuers – 6
Ticker Company ISIN Type
AAFD AsiaAgroFood KZ1C00008721 ordinary share
AKGR Akzhal Gold Resources KZ1C00014141 ordinary share
ALMS AK Altynalmas KZ1C00001080 ordinary share
ALTV AlmaTel Kazakhstan KZ1C00001460 ordinary share
ASBN ForteBank KZ000A0F4546 ordinary share
ASLF LIC Freedom Life KZ1C00001585 ordinary share
ASTL ASTEL KZ1C00000678 ordinary share
ATEC AltynEx KZ1C00001171 ordinary share
BSUL Bayan Sulu KZ1C00000165 ordinary share
CCBN Bank CenterCredit KZ0007786572 ordinary share
CCBNp Bank CenterCredit KZ000A0H0930 preferred share
EKTN EKOTON+ KZ1C00000538 ordinary share
FFIN Freedom Finance KZ1C00001262 ordinary share
FRHC_KZ Freedom Holding Corp. US3563901046 ordinary share
INBNp Bank RBK KZ1P00000764 preferred share
KATR Atameken-Agro KZ1C00000025 ordinary share
KATRp Atameken-Agro KZ1P00000038 preferred share
KMCP Kazakhmys Copper KZ1C00001379 ordinary share
KMGZ National Company "KazMunayGaz" KZ1C00001122 ordinary share
KOZN KoZhaN KZ1C00001072 ordinary share
KSNF Caspi neft KZ1C00000694 ordinary share
KSPI KZ1C00001536 ordinary share
KZAP NAC Kazatomprom KZ1C00001619 ordinary share
KZAZ KazAzot KZ1C00001395 ordinary share
KZCR Transnational Company Kazchrome KZ0009093704 ordinary share
KZCRp Transnational Company Kazchrome KZ0009089744 preferred share
KZHR Karazhyra KZ1C00001296 ordinary share
KZIK Kazakhstan Housing Company KZ1C00000637 ordinary share
LNPT KMK Munai KZ1C00000215 ordinary share
LOGC LOGYCOM KZ1C00000892 ordinary share
MATN Maten Petroleum KZ1C00000868 ordinary share
MKBW Maikuben-West KZ1C00014422 ordinary share
MMGZ Mangistaumunaigaz KZ0009093696 ordinary share
MMGZp Mangistaumunaigaz KZ0009089736 preferred share
MREK MRENC KZ1C00000413 ordinary share
NRBN Nurbank KZ000A1CTMU5 ordinary share
NRBNp6 Nurbank KZ000A1CTMV3 preferred share
RAHT LOTTE Rakhat KZ000A1CTMZ4 ordinary share
RGBR RG Brands KZ1C00000496 ordinary share
RGBRp RG Brands KZ1P00000509 preferred share
SABR Sinoasia B&R Insurance KZ1C00005388 ordinary share
SABRp Sinoasia B&R Insurance KZ1P00014559 preferred share
SHUK Shubarkol Komir KZ1C00000124 ordinary share
SHUKp Shubarkol Komir KZ1P00000137 preferred share
SHUP Shubarkol Premium KZ1C00001445 ordinary share
TMLZ ForteLeasing KZ1C00000405 ordinary share
TSBN First Heartland Jusan Bank KZ000A0Q5HK5 ordinary share
TSBNp First Heartland Jusan Bank KZ000A0RM3V6 preferred share
UTMK Ust-Kamenogorsk Titanium Magnesium Plant KZ000A1CTM59 ordinary share
UTMKp Ust-Kamenogorsk Titanium Magnesium Plant KZ000A1CTM67 preferred share
Subtotal: instruments – 50 , issuers – 40
Ticker Company ISIN Type
AGKKb11 Agrarian Credit Corporation KZ2C00006120 coupon bonds
AGKKb12 Agrarian Credit Corporation KZ2C00006161 coupon bonds
AGKKb14 Agrarian Credit Corporation KZ2C00006922 coupon bonds
AGKKb17 Agrarian Credit Corporation KZ2C00007276 coupon bonds
AGKKb18 Agrarian Credit Corporation KZ2C00007284 coupon bonds
AGKKb19 Agrarian Credit Corporation KZ2C00007755 coupon bonds
AGKKb20 Agrarian Credit Corporation KZ2C00007953 coupon bonds
AGKKb21 Agrarian Credit Corporation KZ2C00007961 coupon bonds
AGKKb22 Agrarian Credit Corporation KZ2C00008316 coupon bonds
AGKKb7 Agrarian Credit Corporation KZ2C00003796 coupon bonds
AGKKb8 Agrarian Credit Corporation KZ2C00003804 coupon bonds
AKMGb1 AstanaGas KMG KZ2C00005676 coupon bonds
AKMGb2 AstanaGas KMG KZ2C00005841 coupon bonds
ALBNb5 Bank CenterCredit KZ2C00006062 coupon bonds
ALMSb1 AK Altynalmas KZ2C00012953 coupon bonds
ASBNb27 ForteBank KZ2C00003374 coupon bonds
ASBNb28 ForteBank KZ2C00003473 bonds
ASBNb29 ForteBank KZ2C00003556 bonds
ATFBb15 First Heartland Jusan Bank KZ2C00003135 coupon bonds
ATFBb16 First Heartland Jusan Bank KZ2C00004059 coupon bonds
BASPb7 Kazakhstan Sustainability Fund KZ2C00006476 coupon bonds
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BERKb12 Bereke Bank JSC (SB of Lesha Bank LLC (Public)) KZ2D00006913 coupon bonds
BERKb13 Bereke Bank JSC (SB of Lesha Bank LLC (Public)) KZ2C00009934 coupon bonds
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BERKb20 Bereke Bank JSC (SB of Lesha Bank LLC (Public)) KZ2C00011831 coupon bonds
BIGDb1 Private company BI Development Ltd. KZ2D00012457 coupon bonds
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BIGDb4 Private company BI Development Ltd. KZ2D00012846 coupon bonds
BIGDb5 Private company BI Development Ltd. KZ2D00012861 coupon bonds
BRKZb10 Development Bank of Kazakhstan KZ2C00004000 coupon bonds
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BRKZe12 Development Bank of Kazakhstan XS2337670694
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BRKZe14 Development Bank of Kazakhstan US48129VAB27
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BTTRb1 Batys tranzit KZ000A0T88N8 coupon bonds
CAEPb2 Central Asian Electric Energy Corporation KZ2C00003291 coupon bonds
CCBNb27 Bank CenterCredit KZ2C00003317 coupon bonds
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CSBNb18 Kaspi Bank KZ2C00003309 coupon bonds
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FFBNb2 Freedom Bank Kazakhstan KZ2C00011898 coupon bonds
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FRMPb3 "Damu" Fund KZ2C00008068 coupon bonds
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HILLb1 HILL Corporation KZ2P00012685 coupon bonds
HSBKb21 Halyk Bank KZ2C00011468 coupon bonds
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IDFRb2 Industrial Development Fund KZ2C00007011 coupon bonds
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IDFRb5 Industrial Development Fund KZ2C00010338 coupon bonds
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INBNb11 Bank RBK KZ2C00008845 coupon bonds
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KACMb1 Qazaqstan Investment Corporation KZ2C00007805 coupon bonds
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KEGCb1 KEGOC KZ2C00003572 coupon bonds
KEGCb2 KEGOC KZ2C00003978 coupon bonds
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KFUSb1 Kazakhstan Sustainability Fund KZ2C00006906 coupon bonds
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MIATb1 MetallInvestAtyrau KZ2P00006034 coupon bonds
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TSSPb1 TSSP Group KZ2P00008113 coupon bonds
Subtotal: instruments – 277 , issuers – 51
Ticker Company ISIN Type
AGKKb10 Agrarian Credit Corporation KZ2C00006047 coupon bonds
BERKb18 Bereke Bank JSC (SB of Lesha Bank LLC (Public)) KZ2C00011641 coupon bonds
BRKZb30 Development Bank of Kazakhstan KZ2C00009405 coupon bonds
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Subtotal: instruments – 42 , issuers – 13
Ticker Company ISIN Type
ADLA Aidala Munai KZ1C00000918 ordinary share
ADRP Aidarly Project KZ1C00014562 ordinary share
AKRL Ai Karaauyl KZ1C00001007 ordinary share
AKZM Aktobe Metalware Plant KZ1C00001288 ordinary share
AMAN Altay Resources KZ1C00000983 ordinary share
AMXP Asker Munai Exploration KZ1C00001601 ordinary share
ANSA Ushkuy KZ1C00001163 ordinary share
ASKQ ALTYN SAMRUK QAZAQSTAN KZ1C00014851 ordinary share
ASKQp ALTYN SAMRUK QAZAQSTAN KZ1P00014989 preferred share
ATVS Aktobe-Temir-VS KZ1C00001155 ordinary share
AZNO Aktobe Oil Equipment Plant KZ000A1CTMD1 ordinary share
AZNOp Aktobe Oil Equipment Plant KZ1P00000269 preferred share
BAST BAST KZ1C00001015 ordinary share
BENK Benkala MC KZ1C00013663 ordinary share
CRMG Crystal Management KZ1C00001486 ordinary share
CSEC Centras Securities KZ1C00009562 ordinary share
EXCS "Caspy" Commodity Exchange KZ1C00005560 ordinary share
EXCSp "Caspy" Commodity Exchange KZ1P00013585 preferred share
EXPA Green Power Generation KZ1C00001478 ordinary share
GB_ALTN AltynGold plc GB00BMH19X50 ordinary share
IFDR Teniz Capital Investment Banking KZ1C00000256 ordinary share
JRES Joint Resources KZ1C00001510 ordinary share
KMGD KM GOLD KZ1C00001254 ordinary share
KY_TPL_ Tethys Petroleum KYG876361257 ordinary share
LZGR Leasing Group KZ1C00001593 ordinary share
MNZH Marganec Zhairema KZ1C00012020 ordinary share
PHYS Phystech II KZ1C00001148 ordinary share
PZVA JSC "POSITIVE-A" KZ1C00001577 ordinary share
SAS_ S.A.S. KZ1C00000827 ordinary share
SATC Fincraft Resources KZ1C00000553 ordinary share
SATCp Fincraft Resources KZ1P00000566 preferred share
SHZN ShalkiyaZinc KZ1C00000967 ordinary share
SKSL LIC Standard Life KZ1C00001429 ordinary share
SRBT Tin One Mining KZ1C00000595 ordinary share
TPIB Tengri Partners Investment Banking (Kazakhstan) KZ1C00007665 ordinary share
ZHLT Zhaltyrbulak JSC KZ1C00003821 ordinary share
Subtotal: instruments – 38 , issuers – 34
Ticker Company ISIN Type
FIVEb6 FIVE BROKERS' CAPITAL KZ2C00013548 coupon bonds
LZGRb10 Leasing Group KZ2C00012854 coupon bonds
LZGRb3 Leasing Group KZ2C00008639 coupon bonds
LZGRb4 Leasing Group KZ2C00008647 coupon bonds
LZGRb8 Leasing Group KZ2C00012185 coupon bonds
LZGRb9 Leasing Group KZ2C00012193 coupon bonds
MFAFb6 MFO aFinance KZ2P00011505 coupon bonds
MFAFb7 MFO aFinance KZ2P00011513 coupon bonds
MFAFb8 MFO aFinance KZ2P00011802 discount bonds
MFLGb2 Lombard "GoldFinMarket" KZ2P00012206 coupon bonds
MFLGb3 Lombard "GoldFinMarket" KZ2P00012214 coupon bonds
MFLGb5 Lombard "GoldFinMarket" KZ2P00012719 coupon bonds
MFLGb6 Lombard "GoldFinMarket" KZ2P00012727 coupon bonds
MFMOb11 Mogo Kazakhstan (Mogo Kazakhstan) MFO KZ2P00012925 coupon bonds
MFMOb12 Mogo Kazakhstan (Mogo Kazakhstan) MFO KZ2P00012933 coupon bonds
MFMOb13 Mogo Kazakhstan (Mogo Kazakhstan) MFO KZ2P00012941 coupon bonds
MFMOb14 Mogo Kazakhstan (Mogo Kazakhstan) MFO KZ2P00013287 coupon bonds
MFMOb15 Mogo Kazakhstan (Mogo Kazakhstan) MFO KZ2P00013295 coupon bonds
MFMOb16 Mogo Kazakhstan (Mogo Kazakhstan) MFO KZ2P00013303 coupon bonds
MFMOb17 Mogo Kazakhstan (Mogo Kazakhstan) MFO KZ2P00013329 coupon bonds
MFMOb18 Mogo Kazakhstan (Mogo Kazakhstan) MFO KZ2P00013444 coupon bonds
MFMOb19 Mogo Kazakhstan (Mogo Kazakhstan) MFO KZ2P00013451 coupon bonds
MFMOb20 Mogo Kazakhstan (Mogo Kazakhstan) MFO KZ2P00013469 coupon bonds
MFMOb5 Mogo Kazakhstan (Mogo Kazakhstan) MFO KZ2P00011695 coupon bonds
MFMOb6 Mogo Kazakhstan (Mogo Kazakhstan) MFO KZ2P00011711 coupon bonds
MFMOb8 Mogo Kazakhstan (Mogo Kazakhstan) MFO KZ2P00012545 coupon bonds
MFMOb9 Mogo Kazakhstan (Mogo Kazakhstan) MFO KZ2P00012552 coupon bonds
MFSLb10 Safe-Lombard KZ2P00013402 coupon bonds
MFSLb2 Safe-Lombard KZ2P00008865 coupon bonds
MFSLb7 Safe-Lombard KZ2P00012370 discount bonds
MFSLb8 Safe-Lombard KZ2P00013386 coupon bonds
MFSLb9 Safe-Lombard KZ2P00013394 coupon bonds
MFUCb5 UNICREDO" MFO KZ2P00010408 coupon bonds
ORBSb2 Orbis Leasing KZ2P00011117 coupon bonds
ORBSb3 Orbis Leasing KZ2P00012743 coupon bonds
ORBSb4 Orbis Leasing KZ2P00013535 coupon bonds
TCIBb1 Teniz Capital Investment Banking KZ2C00010601 discount bonds
TCIBb2 Teniz Capital Investment Banking KZ2C00010619 discount bonds
TCIBb3 Teniz Capital Investment Banking KZ2C00010676 discount bonds
Subtotal: instruments – 39 , issuers – 9
Ticker Company ISIN Type
ACARb1 A-cars KZ2P00011364 coupon bonds
AGQAb1 AGRIQA Asia KZ2P00012297 coupon bonds
ARMAb1 Arma-Service KZ2P00011786 coupon bonds
ASKQb1 ALTYN SAMRUK QAZAQSTAN KZ2C00010155 coupon bonds
BCCIb1 BCC Invest KZ2C00008365 coupon bonds
BKBTb1 Black Biotechnology (Black Biotechnology) KZ2P00010317 coupon bonds
BRBKb1 BRBAPK KZ2P00009905 coupon bonds
CLSGb2 Capital Leasing Group KZ2P00009871 coupon bonds
CLSGb3 Capital Leasing Group KZ2P00010192 coupon bonds
CLSGb4 Capital Leasing Group KZ2P00011604 coupon bonds
CLSGb5 Capital Leasing Group KZ2P00011612 coupon bonds
DTJLb1 Dosjan temir joly KZ2C00000701 coupon bonds
EUCPb1 Eurasia Capital KZ2C00010924 coupon bonds
FATNb1 Faeton Company KZ2P00003874 coupon bonds
FATNb2 Faeton Company KZ2P00004286 coupon bonds
FATNb3 Faeton Company KZ2P00004500 coupon bonds
FPSTb4 BASS Gold KZ2P00011141 coupon bonds
FPSTb5 BASS Gold KZ2P00011778 coupon bonds
IKTTb1 Institute of space technique and technology KZ2P00012115 coupon bonds
JETGe1 JET Group Ltd. KZX000001870 coupon bonds
KZWEb1 KazWind Energy KZ2P00010119 coupon bonds
MFABb1 "AgroBusiness KZ" Credit Partnership KZ2P00010390 coupon bonds
MFACb2 MFO "Arnur Credit" KZ2P00010226 coupon bonds
MFBLb1 Birinshi Lombard KZ2P00009277 coupon bonds
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MFBLb4 Birinshi Lombard KZ2P00012578 coupon bonds
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MFMOb10 Mogo Kazakhstan (Mogo Kazakhstan) MFO KZ2P00012651 coupon bonds
MFMOb7 Mogo Kazakhstan (Mogo Kazakhstan) MFO KZ2P00012305 coupon bonds
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MFRCb1 "MFO "" KZ2P00010291 coupon bonds
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MFSCb3 Swiss Capital" MFO KZ2P00009947 coupon bonds
MFSCb4 Swiss Capital" MFO KZ2P00011497 coupon bonds
MFSCb5 Swiss Capital" MFO KZ2P00011638 coupon bonds
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MFSLb5 Safe-Lombard KZ2P00012339 coupon bonds
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MFUCb2 UNICREDO" MFO KZ2P00009103 coupon bonds
MFUCb4 UNICREDO" MFO KZ2P00009988 coupon bonds
MFUCb6 UNICREDO" MFO KZ2P00011174 coupon bonds
MFUCb7 UNICREDO" MFO KZ2P00013014 coupon bonds
NITCb1 National Information Technologies KZ2C00012904 coupon bonds
ORPTb1 Wholesale and retail trade venture KZ2C00004539 coupon bonds
ORPTb2 Wholesale and retail trade venture KZ2C00006187 coupon bonds
PKDAb1 APC "DAMU AGRO" KZ2D00007002 coupon bonds
RETMb1 "REIF "RETAM" KZ2C00009363 coupon bonds
SCLBb1 Schoolbus KZ2P00013113 coupon bonds
TERRb1 Terra KZ2P00011810 coupon bonds
TGSVb1 TechnoGroupService KZ2P00010986 coupon bonds
THLZb3 TechnoLeasing KZ2P00007354 coupon bonds
THLZb4 TechnoLeasing KZ2P00007362 coupon bonds
THLZb5 TechnoLeasing KZ2P00008220 coupon bonds
THLZb6 TechnoLeasing KZ2P00008238 coupon bonds
Subtotal: instruments – 83 , issuers – 44
Ticker Company ISIN Type
NTK028_2860 National Bank KZW100014262 discount notes
Subtotal: instruments – 1 , issuers – 1
Ticker Company ISIN Type
KZ_06_4410 MinFin of RK XS1120709826
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international bonds
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international bonds
MKM012_0157 MinFin of RK KZK100000332 MEKKAM
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MUJ156_0004 MinFin of RK KZKA00000611 MEUJKAM
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MUJ192_0002 MinFin of RK KZKA00000249 MEUJKAM
MUJ192_0003 MinFin of RK KZKA00000314 MEUJKAM
MUJ192_0004 MinFin of RK KZKA00000660 MEUJKAM
MUJ204_0001 MinFin of RK KZKA00000199 MEUJKAM
MUJ204_0002 MinFin of RK KZKA00000215 MEUJKAM
MUJ204_0003 MinFin of RK KZKA00000306 MEUJKAM
MUJ204_0004 MinFin of RK KZKA00000330 MEUJKAM
MUJ204_0005 MinFin of RK KZKA00000488 MEUJKAM
MUJ204_0006 MinFin of RK KZKA00000520 MEUJKAM
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MUJ216_0002 MinFin of RK KZKA00000256 MEUJKAM
MUJ216_0003 MinFin of RK KZKA00000280 MEUJKAM
MUJ216_0004 MinFin of RK KZKA00000447 MEUJKAM
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MUJ228_0001 MinFin of RK KZKA00000223 MEUJKAM
MUJ228_0002 MinFin of RK KZKA00000264 MEUJKAM
MUJ228_0003 MinFin of RK KZKA00000322 MEUJKAM
MUJ228_0004 MinFin of RK KZKA00000371 MEUJKAM
MUJ228_0005 MinFin of RK KZKA00000454 MEUJKAM
MUJ228_0006 MinFin of RK KZKA00000546 MEUJKAM
MUJ240_0001 MinFin of RK KZKA00000470 MEUJKAM
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MUM072_0015 MinFin of RK KZKD00001251 MEUKAM
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MUM096_0012 MinFin of RK KZKD00001160 MEUKAM
MUM096_0013 MinFin of RK KZKD00001202 MEUKAM
MUM096_0014 MinFin of RK KZKD00001228 MEUKAM
MUM108_0012 MinFin of RK KZKD00000915 MEUKAM
MUM108_0013 MinFin of RK KZKD00001087 MEUKAM
MUM108_0014 MinFin of RK KZKD00001236 MEUKAM
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MUM120_0017 MinFin of RK KZKD00000899 MEUKAM
MUM120_0018 MinFin of RK KZKD00000907 MEUKAM
MUM120_0019 MinFin of RK KZKD00001129 MEUKAM
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MUM132_0006 MinFin of RK KZKD00000873 MEUKAM
MUM132_0007 MinFin of RK KZKD00001152 MEUKAM
MUM144_0006 MinFin of RK KZKD00000709 MEUKAM
MUM144_0009 MinFin of RK KZKD00001178 MEUKAM
MUM156_0005 MinFin of RK KZKD00000758 MEUKAM
MUM156_0006 MinFin of RK KZKD00000964 MEUKAM
MUM156_0007 MinFin of RK KZKD00001103 MEUKAM
MUM168_0001 MinFin of RK KZKD00000469 MEUKAM
MUM168_0002 MinFin of RK KZKD00000485 MEUKAM
MUM168_0003 MinFin of RK KZKD00000949 MEUKAM
MUM168_0005 MinFin of RK KZKD00001111 MEUKAM
MUM180_0003 MinFin of RK KZKD00000337 MEUKAM
MUM180_0004 MinFin of RK KZKD00000444 MEUKAM
MUM180_0005 MinFin of RK KZKD00000493 MEUKAM
MUM180_0006 MinFin of RK KZKD00000535 MEUKAM
MUM180_0007 MinFin of RK KZKD00000618 MEUKAM
MUM180_0008 MinFin of RK KZKD00000659 MEUKAM
MUM180_0009 MinFin of RK KZKD00000717 MEUKAM
MUM180_0011 MinFin of RK KZKD00000790 MEUKAM
MUM180_0012 MinFin of RK KZKD00000840 MEUKAM
MUM180_0013 MinFin of RK KZKD00000931 MEUKAM
MUM180_0014 MinFin of RK KZKD00000956 MEUKAM
MUM180_0015 MinFin of RK KZKD00001186 MEUKAM
MUM180_0016 MinFin of RK KZKD00001194 MEUKAM
MUM192_0001 MinFin of RK KZKD00000477 MEUKAM
MUM192_0002 MinFin of RK KZKD00000543 MEUKAM
MUM192_0003 MinFin of RK KZKD00000626 MEUKAM
MUM216_0001 MinFin of RK KZKD00000972 MEUKAM
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MUM300_0002 MinFin of RK KZKD00000774 MEUKAM
MUM300_0003 MinFin of RK KZKD00000857 MEUKAM
MUM360_0001 MinFin of RK KZKD00000824 MEUKAM
Subtotal: instruments – 114 , issuers – 1
Ticker Company ISIN Type
ABK022_210 Akimat of Aktobe region KZMJ00002103 coupon bonds
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MGK130_084 Akimat of Mangystau region KZMF00000846 coupon bonds
MGK131_023 Akimat of Mangystau region KZMF00000234 coupon bonds
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MGK143_039 Akimat of Mangystau region KZMF00000390 coupon bonds
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NSK119_006 Akimat of Astana KZZF00000064 coupon bonds
NSK131_002 Akimat of Astana KZZF00000023 coupon bonds
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PVK022_198 Akimat of Pavlodar region KZMJ00001980 coupon bonds
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PVK116_095 Akimat of Pavlodar region KZMF00000952 coupon bonds
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PVK131_024 Akimat of Pavlodar region KZMF00000242 coupon bonds
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SHK022_015 Akimat of Shymkent KZSJ00000150 coupon bonds
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SKK024_165 Akimat of North Kazakhstan region KZMJ00001659 coupon bonds
SKK024_178 Akimat of North Kazakhstan region KZMJ00001782 coupon bonds
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SKK119_015 Akimat of North Kazakhstan region KZMF00000150 coupon bonds
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SKK131_014 Akimat of North Kazakhstan region KZMF00000143 coupon bonds
SKK143_040 Akimat of North Kazakhstan region KZMF00000408 coupon bonds
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TKK022_194 GI "Apparat akima of Turkestan region" KZMJ00001949 coupon bonds
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UTK022_202 Akimat of Ulytau region KZMJ00002020 coupon bonds
UTK024_164 Akimat of Ulytau region KZMJ00001642 coupon bonds
UTK116_094 Akimat of Ulytau region KZMF00000945 coupon bonds
VKK024_153 Akimat of East Kazakhstan region KZMJ00001535 coupon bonds
VKK117_099 Akimat of East Kazakhstan region KZMF00000994 coupon bonds
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ZKK131_012 Akimat of West Kazakhstan region KZMF00000127 coupon bonds
ZKK143_013 Akimat of West Kazakhstan region KZMF00000135 coupon bonds
ZKK143_044 Akimat of West Kazakhstan region KZMF00000440 coupon bonds
Subtotal: instruments – 185 , issuers – 20
Ticker Company ISIN Type
AE_01_3004 Emirate of Abu Dhabi XS2125308168 international bonds
AE_02_2909 Emirate of Abu Dhabi XS2057865979 international bonds
AE_03_2504 Emirate of Abu Dhabi XS2125308085 international bonds
AT_01_2006 Republic of Austria AT0000A2HLC4 international bonds
HK_01_2702 The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China XS1555404786 trust certificates
MY_01_3104 Ministry of Finance of the Federation of Malaysia USY57542AA32 trust certificates
OM_01_2908 Sultanate of Oman XS1944412748 international bonds
PE_01_2708 Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Peru US715638BU55 international bonds
PE_02_2601 Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Peru US715638DE95 international bonds
PH_01_2901 Republic of the Philippines US718286CG02 international bonds
PH_02_2802 Republic of the Philippines US718286CC97 international bonds
QA_01_2606 Ministry of Finance of the State of Qatar XS1405782159 international bonds
QA_02_3004 Ministry of Finance of the State of Qatar XS2155352664 international bonds
QA_03_2903 Ministry of Finance of the State of Qatar XS1959337582 international bonds
QA_04_2804 Ministry of Finance of the State of Qatar XS1807174393 international bonds
QA_05_2504 Ministry of Finance of the State of Qatar XS2155352151 international bonds
SA_01_2803 Ministry of Finance of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia XS1694217495 international bonds
SA_02_2904 Ministry of Finance of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia XS1936302865 international bonds
SA_03_2702 Ministry of Finance of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia XS2109766126 international bonds
SA_04_2610 Ministry of Finance of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia XS1508675417 international bonds
SA_05_2704 Ministry of Finance of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia XS1599284202 trust certificates
TR_02_2904 Republic of Turkey US900123CT57 international bonds
US101_3302 U.S. Treasury Department US91282CGM73 international bonds
US102_3308 U.S. Treasury Department US91282CHT18 international bonds
US103_3102 U.S. Treasury Department US912810FP85 international bonds
US105_2612 U.S. Treasury Department US912828YX25 international bonds
US106_2812 U.S. Treasury Department US91282CDP32 international bonds
US107_3102 U.S. Treasury Department US91282CBL46 international bonds
US108_2701 U.S. Treasury Department US912828V491 international bonds
US124_2506 U.S. Treasury Department US91282CHL81 international bonds
US127_2505 U.S. Treasury Department US912797LB15 international bonds
US128_2504 U.S. Treasury Department US912797KS58 international bonds
US129_2503 U.S. Treasury Department US912797KJ59 international bonds
US133_2508 U.S. Treasury Department US91282CHV63 international bonds
US134_2509 U.S. Treasury Department US91282CJB81 international bonds
US135_2511 U.S. Treasury Department US91282CJL63 international bonds
US141_2611 U.S. Treasury Department US91282CJK80 international bonds
US142_3105 U.S. Treasury Department US91282CKU44 international bonds
US143_3405 U.S. Treasury Department US91282CKQ32 international bonds
US144_2506 U.S. Treasury Department US912797LN52 international bonds
US145_2507 U.S. Treasury Department US912797LW51 international bonds
US146_2508 U.S. Treasury Department US912797MG92 international bonds
US147_2509 U.S. Treasury Department US912797MH75 international bonds
US148_2510 U.S. Treasury Department US912797MS31 international bonds
US149_2602 U.S. Treasury Department US91282CKB62 international bonds
US150_2601 U.S. Treasury Department US91282CJV46 international bonds
US151_2503 U.S. Treasury Department US912797NR49 international bonds
US152_2503 U.S. Treasury Department US912797NS22 international bonds
US153_2504 U.S. Treasury Department US912797NB96 international bonds
US154_2504 U.S. Treasury Department US912797NC79 international bonds
US155_2504 U.S. Treasury Department US912797MV69 international bonds
US156_2505 U.S. Treasury Department US912797NE36 international bonds
US157_2503 U.S. Treasury Department US912797MU86 international bonds
US158_2610 U.S. Treasury Department US912828YQ73 international bonds
US159_4311 U.S. Treasury Department US912810TW80 international bonds
US_04_2908 U.S. Treasury Department US912810FJ26 international bonds
US_06_3011 U.S. Treasury Department US91282CAV37 international bonds
US_07_4411 U.S. Treasury Department US912810RJ97 international bonds
US_08_4105 U.S. Treasury Department US912810SY55 international bonds
US_56_2503 U.S. Treasury Department US9128284F40 international bonds
US_62_2601 U.S. Treasury Department US91282CBH34 international bonds
US_63_2505 U.S. Treasury Department US912828ZT04 international bonds
US_64_2510 U.S. Treasury Department US9128285J52 international bonds
US_72_5211 U.S. Treasury Department US912810TL26 international bonds
US_75_2505 U.S. Treasury Department US91282CHD65 international bonds
US_82_2603 U.S. Treasury Department US91282CBT71 international bonds
US_84_2503 U.S. Treasury Department US91282CGU99 international bonds
US_85_2606 U.S. Treasury Department US91282CCJ80 international bonds
US_86_2512 U.S. Treasury Department US91282CGA36 international bonds
US_87_2509 U.S. Treasury Department US9128285C00 international bonds
US_88_2508 U.S. Treasury Department US9128284Z04 international bonds
US_97_3205 U.S. Treasury Department US91282CEP23 international bonds
US_98_2504 U.S. Treasury Department US91282CGX39 international bonds
Subtotal: instruments – 73 , issuers – 11
Ticker Company ISIN Type
BCCI_cc BCC Invest KZPF00000058 Mutual Funds
BCCIbe BCC Invest KZPF00000553 Mutual Funds
BCCIrb BCC Invest KZPF00000231 Mutual Funds
CSECfe Centras Securities KZPF00000025 Mutual Funds
CSECgm Centras Securities KZPF00000033 Mutual Funds
CSECtf Centras Securities KZPF00000280 Mutual Funds
FFIN_or Freedom Finance KZPF00000082 Mutual Funds
FFINgw Freedom Finance KZPF00000090 Mutual Funds
FHJIag Jusan Invest JSC KZPF00000132 Mutual Funds
FHJIds Jusan Invest JSC KZPF00000173 Mutual Funds
FHJIhm Jusan Invest JSC KZPF00000124 Mutual Funds
FHJIpc Jusan Invest JSC KZPF00000140 Mutual Funds
HFINhl Halyk Finance KZPF00000538 Mutual Funds
HFINhp Halyk Finance KZPF00000546 Mutual Funds
HFINhs Halyk Finance KZPF00000520 Mutual Funds
HFINhv Halyk Finance KZPF00000041 Mutual Funds
HKGMhg Halyk Finance KZPF00000165 Mutual Funds
IE_FXBF FinEx Physically Backed Funds IE00BG0C3K84 Share
US_BIL_ SPDR Series Trust US78468R6633 Share
US_GLD_ SPDR Gold Trust US78463V1070 Share
US_ICLN iShares Trust US4642882249 Share
US_PHO_ Invesco Exchange-Traded Fund Trust US46137V1420 Share
US_SPY_ SSGA US78462F1030 Share
Subtotal: instruments – 23 , issuers – 11
Ticker Company ISIN Type
ASDBe11 Asian Development Bank XS2507222904 coupon international bonds
ASDBe14 Asian Development Bank XS2590132242 coupon international bonds
ASDBe15 Asian Development Bank XS2610164944 coupon international bonds
ASDBe17 Asian Development Bank US045167FW84 coupon international bonds
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ASDBe19 Asian Development Bank XS2971950428 coupon international bonds
ASDBe2 Asian Development Bank XS1937714753 coupon international bonds
ASDBe20 Asian Development Bank XS3015676425 coupon international bonds
ASDBe6 Asian Development Bank XS2294363416 coupon international bonds
ASDBe7 Asian Development Bank XS2294363689 coupon international bonds
ASDBe8 Asian Development Bank XS2351373134 coupon international bonds
ASDBe9 Asian Development Bank XS2444205756 coupon international bonds
EABRb16 Eurasian Development Bank KZ2D00007697 discount bonds
EABRb20 Eurasian Development Bank KZ2D00007705 discount bonds
EABRb27 Eurasian Development Bank KZ2D00008265 discount bonds
EABRb28 Eurasian Development Bank KZ2D00008273 discount bonds
EABRb29 Eurasian Development Bank KZ2D00008281 discount bonds
EABRb32 Eurasian Development Bank KZ2D00009545 discount bonds
EABRb34 Eurasian Development Bank KZ2D00009560 discount bonds
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EABRb40 Eurasian Development Bank KZ2D00009628 coupon bonds
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EABRb48 Eurasian Development Bank KZ2D00010899 discount bonds
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EABRb52 Eurasian Development Bank KZ2D00011863 coupon bonds
EABRe5 Eurasian Development Bank KZX000001433 coupon international bonds
EABRe6 Eurasian Development Bank XS2315951041 coupon international bonds
EBRDe10 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development XS2093242530 coupon international bonds
EBRDe11 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development XS2214305737 coupon international bonds
EBRDe13 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development XS2264979431 coupon international bonds
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EBRDe24 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development US29874QEX88 coupon international bonds
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EBRDe27 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development XS3004202225 coupon international bonds
EBRDe4 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development XS1957561555 coupon international bonds
EBRDe6 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development XS1982112572 coupon international bonds
EBRDe7 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development XS2012983693 coupon international bonds
EBRDe8 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development XS2027948582 coupon international bonds
EBRDe9 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development XS2093223076 coupon international bonds
EIB_e1 The European Investment Bank US298785JT41 coupon international bonds
EIB_e3 The European Investment Bank US298785JW79 coupon international bonds
IBRDe2 Inernational Bank of Reconstruction and Development US459058KW25 coupon international bonds
IBRDe3 Inernational Bank of Reconstruction and Development US459058KL69 coupon international bonds
IBRDe5 Inernational Bank of Reconstruction and Development US459058LA95 coupon international bonds
IBRDe6 Inernational Bank of Reconstruction and Development US459058LF82 coupon international bonds
ICD_e1 The Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector XS2624614751 bonds
IFC_e1 International Financial Corporation XS1831081408 coupon international bonds
IFC_e7 International Financial Corporation XS2725046283 coupon international bonds
IFC_e8 International Financial Corporation XS2725047505 coupon international bonds
IFC_e9 International Financial Corporation US45950KDD90 coupon international bonds
Subtotal: instruments – 58 , issuers – 7
Ticker Company ISIN Type
AIRAd Air Astana US0090632078
depository receipts
HSBKd Halyk Bank US46627J3023
depository receipts
KSPId US48581R2058
depository receipts
KZAPd NAC Kazatomprom US63253R2013 depository receipts
KZTKd Kazakhtelecom US48666D2045 depository receipts
Subtotal: instruments – 5 , issuers – 5
Ticker Company ISIN Type
AMGZp Aktobe Petroleum KZ0009093902 preferred share
KASE KASE KZ1C00001213 ordinary share
Subtotal: instruments – 2 , issuers – 2
Ticker Instrument Term
CNYKZT_0_001 CNY/KZT currency swap T+1
CNYKZT_0_002 CNY/KZT currency swap T+2
CNYKZT_1_001 CNY/KZT currency swap T+1
CNYKZT_SPT Chinese yuan settled in tenge T+2
CNYKZT_TOD Chinese yuan settled in tenge T+0
CNYKZT_TOM Chinese yuan settled in tenge T+1
EURCNY_SPT euro settled in chinese yuan T+2
EURCNY_TOD euro settled in chinese yuan T+0
EURCNY_TOM euro settled in chinese yuan T+1
EURKZT_0_001 EUR/KZT currency swap T+1
EURKZT_0_002 EUR/KZT currency swap T+2
EURKZT_1_001 EUR/KZT currency swap T+1
EURKZT_SPT euro settled in tenge T+2
EURKZT_TOD euro settled in tenge T+0
EURKZT_TOM euro settled in tenge T+1
EURUSD_0_001 EUR/USD currency swap T+1
EURUSD_0_002 EUR/USD currency swap T+2
EURUSD_1_001 EUR/USD currency swap T+1
EURUSD_SPT euro settled in US dollars T+2
EURUSD_TOD euro settled in US dollars T+0
EURUSD_TOM euro settled in US dollars T+1
RUBKZT_0_001 RUB/KZT currency swap T+1
RUBKZT_0_002 RUB/KZT currency swap T+2
RUBKZT_1_001 RUB/KZT currency swap T+1
RUBKZT_SPT Russian ruble settled in tenge T+2
RUBKZT_TOD Russian ruble settled in tenge T+0
RUBKZT_TOM Russian ruble settled in tenge T+1
USDCNY_SPT US dollar settled in chinese yuan T+2
USDCNY_TOD US dollar settled in chinese yuan T+0
USDCNY_TOM US dollar settled in chinese yuan T+1
USDKZT_0_001 USD/KZT currency swap T+1
USDKZT_0_002 USD/KZT currency swap T+2
USDKZT_0_01M USD/KZT currency swap T+1M
USDKZT_0_01W USD/KZT currency swap T+1W
USDKZT_0_01Y USD/KZT currency swap T+1Y
USDKZT_0_03M USD/KZT currency swap T+3M
USDKZT_0_06M USD/KZT currency swap T+6M
USDKZT_1_001 USD/KZT currency swap T+1
USDKZT_1_01M USD/KZT currency swap T+1M
USDKZT_1_01W USD/KZT currency swap T+1W
USDKZT_1_01Y USD/KZT currency swap T+1Y
USDKZT_1_03M USD/KZT currency swap T+3M
USDKZT_1_06M USD/KZT currency swap T+6M
USDKZT_SPT US dollar settled in tenge T+2
USDKZT_TOD US dollar settled in tenge T+0
USDKZT_TOM US dollar settled in tenge T+1
Subtotal: instruments – 47
Ticker Instrument Underlying Quantity Execution
HSBK-12.25 futures on common shares of Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan JSC due in December 2025 HSBK 100 18.12.25
HSBK-3.25 futures on common shares of Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan JSC due in March 2025 HSBK 100 20.03.25
HSBK-6.25 futures on common shares of Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan JSC due in June 2025 HSBK 100 19.06.25
HSBK-9.25 futures on common shares of Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan JSC due in September 2025 HSBK 100 18.09.25
KX-12.25 futures on KASE due in December 2025 KASE Index 1 18.12.25
KX-3.25 futures on KASE due in March 2025 KASE Index 1 20.03.25
KX-6.25 futures on KASE due in June 2025 KASE Index 1 19.06.25
KX-9.25 futures on KASE due in September 2025 KASE Index 1 18.09.25
KZAP-12.25 futures on common shares of National Atomic Company Kazatomprom JSC due in December 2025 KZAP 1 18.12.25
KZAP-3.25 futures on common shares of National Atomic Company Kazatomprom JSC due in March 2025 KZAP 1 20.03.25
KZAP-6.25 futures on common shares of National Atomic Company Kazatomprom JSC due in June 2025 KZAP 1 19.06.25
KZAP-9.25 futures on common shares of National Atomic Company Kazatomprom JSC due in September 2025 KZAP 1 18.09.25
QQQ_KZ-12.25 futures on Nasdaq-100 Index ETF due in December 2025 QQQ_KZ 1 18.12.25
QQQ_KZ-3.25 futures on Nasdaq-100 Index ETF due in March 2025 QQQ_KZ 1 20.03.25
QQQ_KZ-6.25 futures on Nasdaq-100 Index ETF due in June 2025 QQQ_KZ 1 19.06.25
QQQ_KZ-9.25 futures on Nasdaq-100 Index ETF due in September 2025 QQQ_KZ 1 18.09.25
RU-12.25 futures on RUB/KZT due in December 2025 RUBKZT 1000 18.12.25
RU-3.25 futures on RUB/KZT due in March 2025 RUBKZT 1000 20.03.25
RU-4.25 futures on RUB/KZT due in April 2025 RUBKZT 1000 17.04.25
RU-6.25 futures on RUB/KZT due in June 2025 RUBKZT 1000 19.06.25
RU-9.25 futures on RUB/KZT due in September 2025 RUBKZT 1000 18.09.25
US-12.25 futures on USD/KZT due in December 2025 USDKZT_TOM 1000 18.12.25
US-3.25 futures on USD/KZT due in March 2025 USDKZT_TOM 1000 20.03.25
US-6.25 futures on USD/KZT due in June 2025 USDKZT_TOM 1000 19.06.25
US-9.25 futures on USD/KZT due in September 2025 USDKZT_TOM 1000 18.09.25
US_BIL_-12.25 futures on SPDR Bloomberg Barclays 1-3 Month T-Bill ETF due in December 2025 US_BIL_ 1 18.12.25
US_BIL_-3.25 futures on SPDR Bloomberg Barclays 1-3 Month T-Bill ETF due in March 2025 US_BIL_ 1 20.03.25
US_BIL_-6.25 futures on SPDR Bloomberg Barclays 1-3 Month T-Bill ETF due in June 2025 US_BIL_ 1 19.06.25
US_BIL_-9.25 futures on SPDR Bloomberg Barclays 1-3 Month T-Bill ETF due in September 2025 US_BIL_ 1 18.09.25
US_GLD_-12.25 futures on SPDR Gold Shares ETF due in December 2025 US_GLD_ 1 18.12.25
US_GLD_-3.25 futures on SPDR Gold Shares ETF due in March 2025 US_GLD_ 1 20.03.25
US_GLD_-6.25 futures on SPDR Gold Shares ETF due in June 2025 US_GLD_ 1 19.06.25
US_GLD_-9.25 futures on SPDR Gold Shares ETF due in September 2025 US_GLD_ 1 18.09.25
US_SPY_-12.25 futures on SPDR S&P 500 ETF TRUST due in December 2025 US_SPY_ 1 18.12.25
US_SPY_-3.25 futures on SPDR S&P 500 ETF TRUST due in March 2025 US_SPY_ 1 20.03.25
US_SPY_-6.25 futures on SPDR S&P 500 ETF TRUST due in June 2025 US_SPY_ 1 19.06.25
US_SPY_-9.25 futures on SPDR S&P 500 ETF TRUST due in September 2025 US_SPY_ 1 18.09.25
Subtotal: instruments – 37
Ticker Company ISIN Type
AGKKpp1 Agrarian Credit Corporation KZ2C00011302 coupon debt securities
AGKKpp2 Agrarian Credit Corporation KZ2C00011344 coupon debt securities
AGKKpp3 Agrarian Credit Corporation KZ2C00011435 coupon debt securities
AGKKpp4 Agrarian Credit Corporation KZ2C00011823 coupon debt securities
AGKKpp5 Agrarian Credit Corporation KZ2C00012615 coupon debt securities
AGKKpp6 Agrarian Credit Corporation KZ2C00013001 debt securities
AGKKpp7 Agrarian Credit Corporation KZ2C00013571 coupon debt securities
AGQApp1 AGRIQA Asia KZ2P00010481 coupon debt securities
ALLCpp1 "Almaty Logistic Center" REIF" KZ2P00008758 coupon debt securities
ALTCpp1 AlmaTau Construction KZ2P00010697 coupon debt securities
AONEpp1 AVC Production KZ2P00013238 coupon debt securities
ARCDpp1 ARCADA INDUSTRY KZ2P00008493 coupon debt securities
ARCDpp2 ARCADA INDUSTRY KZ2P00009202 coupon debt securities
ARCDpp3 ARCADA INDUSTRY KZ2P00009665 coupon debt securities
ARSApp1 Airport Sary-Arka KZ2C00011203 coupon debt securities
ASPKpp1 ASIA PARK KZ2P00008998 coupon debt securities
ASPKpp2 ASIA PARK KZ2P00011091 coupon debt securities
ASQApp1 Aspan Almaty Qala KZ2P00011661 coupon debt securities
AVKGpp1 Avesta-Karaganda KZ2P00008741 coupon debt securities
AVKGpp2 Avesta-Karaganda KZ2P00011075 coupon debt securities
BARSpp1 Barys 2007 KZ2P00013378 coupon debt securities
CCBNpp1 Bank CenterCredit KZ2C00012664 coupon debt securities
FDCOpp1 "Collection agency "FD Collection" KZ2P00010689 coupon debt securities
FINQpp1 FinQ KZ2P00008477 coupon debt securities
FINQpp2 FinQ KZ2P00011471 coupon debt securities
FINQpp3 FinQ KZ2P00012917 discount debt securities
FNACpp1 "Finaccord Limited" Private company KZ2D00009214 coupon debt securities
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FNACpp3 "Finaccord Limited" Private company KZ2D00009651 coupon debt securities
FSSLpp1 Finsoft solution KZ2P00012412 coupon debt securities
HCBNpp1 Home Credit Bank KZ2C00011120 coupon debt securities
IDCOpp1 ID Collect CA KZ2P00009681 coupon debt securities
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Subtotal: instruments – 81 , issuers – 37
Ticker Company ISIN Type
AAL_KZ American Airlines US02376R1023 ordinary share
AAPL_KZ Apple Inc. US0378331005 ordinary share
ABT_KZ Abbott US0028241000 ordinary share
AEP_KZ American Electric Power Company, Inc. US0255371017 ordinary share
AIR_KZ Airbus NL0000235190 ordinary share
AMD_KZ Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. US0079031078 ordinary share
AMZN_KZ, Inc. US0231351067 ordinary share
BAC_KZ Bank of America US0605051046 ordinary share
BA_KZ The Boeing Company US0970231058 ordinary share
BIIB_KZ Biogen US09062X1037 ordinary share
BITO_KZ ProShares Trust US74347G4405 share
BOTZ_KZ Mirae Asset Global Investments US37954Y7159 share
CAT_KZ Caterpillar US1491231015 ordinary share
COP_KZ ConocoPhillips US20825C1045 ordinary share
CRM_KZ SALESFORCE.COM Inc US79466L3024 ordinary share
C_KZ Citigroup Inc. US1729674242 ordinary share
DIS_KZ The Walt Disney Company US2546871060 ordinary share
EWQ_KZ iShares Inc. US4642867075 share
FCX_KZ Freeport-McMoRan Inc. US35671D8570 ordinary share
FLGB_KZ Franklin Templeton Investments, Inc. US35473P6786 share
FTNT_KZ Fortinet, Inc. US34959E1091 ordinary share
F_KZ Ford Motor Company US3453708600 ordinary share
GOOG_KZ ALPHABET INC. US02079K1079 ordinary share
HYG_KZ BlackRock, Inc US4642885135 share
IBM_KZ IBM US4592001014 ordinary share
IGLB_KZ iShares Trust US4642895118 share
INTC_KZ Intel Corporation US4581401001 ordinary share
JNJ_KZ Johnson & Johnson US4781601046 ordinary share
JPM_KZ JPMorgan Chase & Co. US46625H1005 ordinary share
KO_KZ The Coca-Cola Company US1912161007 ordinary share
LQD_KZ BlackRock, Inc US4642872422 share
MA_KZ Mastercard, Inc. US57636Q1040 ordinary share
META_KZ Meta Platforms, Inc. US30303M1027 ordinary share
MRNA_KZ Moderna US60770K1079 ordinary share
MSFT_KZ Microsoft US5949181045 ordinary share
MTB_KZ M&T Bank Corporation US55261F1049 ordinary share
MU_KZ Micron Technology, Inc. US5951121038 ordinary share
M_KZ Macy's US55616P1049 ordinary share
NEM_KZ Newmont US6516391066 ordinary share
NFLX_KZ Netflix, Inc US64110L1061 ordinary share
NKE_KZ NIKE, Inc. US6541061031 ordinary share
NVDA_KZ NVIDIA US67066G1040 ordinary share
ORCL_KZ ORACLE CORPORATION US68389X1054 ordinary share
OXY_KZ Occidental Petroleum Corp. US6745991058 ordinary share
PFE_KZ Pfizer Inc. US7170811035 ordinary share
PYPL_KZ PayPal Holdings Inc. US70450Y1038 ordinary share
QCOM_KZ QUALCOMM Inc. US7475251036 ordinary share
QQQ_KZ Invesco Exchange-Traded Fund Trust US46090E1038 share
SBUX_KZ Starbucks US8552441094 ordinary share
TLT_KZ iShares Trust US4642874329 share
TSLA_KZ Tesla, Inc. US88160R1014 ordinary share
TXN_KZ Texas Instruments Inc. US8825081040 ordinary share
T_KZ AT&T Inc. US00206R1023 ordinary share
UBER_KZ Uber Technologies Inc. US90353T1007 ordinary share
URA_KZ Mirae Asset Global Investments US37954Y8710 share
VZ_KZ Verizon Communications Inc. US92343V1044 ordinary share
XLP_KZ The Select Sector SPDR Trust US81369Y3080 share
XLU_KZ The Select Sector SPDR Trust US81369Y8865 share
XOM_KZ Exxon Mobil Corporation US30231G1022 ordinary share
Subtotal: instruments – 60 , issuers – 56
Ticker Company ISIN Type
GCGlobalSec KASE Clearing Center KZCCP0000050 General collateral certificate
Subtotal: instruments – 1
Subject of transaction (mode) ISIN Term Repo
BSP basket (EBM3) REPO with CCP backet 90 days
BSP basket (EBMP) REPO with CCP backet 30 days
BSP basket (EBR2) REPO with CCP backet 2 days
BSP basket (EBR3) REPO with CCP backet 3 days
BSP basket (EBRP) REPO with CCP backet 1 days
BSP basket (EBW2) REPO with CCP backet 14 days
BSP basket (EBWP) REPO with CCP backet 7 days
GS basket (EBM3) REPO with CCP backet 90 days
GS basket (EBMP) REPO with CCP backet 30 days
GS basket (EBR2) REPO with CCP backet 2 days
GS basket (EBR3) REPO with CCP backet 3 days
GS basket (EBRP) REPO with CCP backet 1 days
GS basket (EBW2) REPO with CCP backet 14 days
GS basket (EBWP) REPO with CCP backet 7 days
GS basket without CCP (ELMP) REPO with basket block 30 days
GS basket without CCP (ELR2) REPO with basket block 2 days
GS basket without CCP (ELR3) REPO with basket block 3 days
GS basket without CCP (ELRP) REPO with basket block 1 day
GS basket without CCP (ELW2) REPO with basket block 14 days
GS basket without CCP (ELWP) REPO with basket block 7 days
XOM_KZ (EQRD) US30231G1022 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
XOM_KZ (EQWD) US30231G1022 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
XLU_KZ (EQRD) US81369Y8865 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
XLU_KZ (EQWD) US81369Y8865 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
XLP_KZ (EQRD) US81369Y3080 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
XLP_KZ (EQWD) US81369Y3080 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
VZ_KZ (EQRD) US92343V1044 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
VZ_KZ (EQWD) US92343V1044 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
US_SPY_ (EQRD) US78462F1030 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
US_SPY_ (EQWD) US78462F1030 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
US_BIL_ (EQRD) US78468R6633 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
US_BIL_ (EQWD) US78468R6633 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
US_08_4105 (EQMP) US912810SY55 Autorepo with CCP 30D
US_08_4105 (EQR2) US912810SY55 Autorepo with CCP 2D
US_08_4105 (EQR3) US912810SY55 Autorepo with CCP 3D
US_08_4105 (EQRD) US912810SY55 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
US_08_4105 (EQRP) US912810SY55 Autorepo with CCP 1D
US_08_4105 (EQW2) US912810SY55 Autorepo with CCP 14D
US_08_4105 (EQWD) US912810SY55 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
US_08_4105 (EQWP) US912810SY55 Autorepo with CCP 7D
US_07_4411 (EQMP) US912810RJ97 Autorepo with CCP 30D
US_07_4411 (EQR2) US912810RJ97 Autorepo with CCP 2D
US_07_4411 (EQR3) US912810RJ97 Autorepo with CCP 3D
US_07_4411 (EQRD) US912810RJ97 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
US_07_4411 (EQRP) US912810RJ97 Autorepo with CCP 1D
US_07_4411 (EQW2) US912810RJ97 Autorepo with CCP 14D
US_07_4411 (EQWD) US912810RJ97 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
US_07_4411 (EQWP) US912810RJ97 Autorepo with CCP 7D
US_06_3011 (EQMP) US91282CAV37 Autorepo with CCP 30D
US_06_3011 (EQR2) US91282CAV37 Autorepo with CCP 2D
US_06_3011 (EQR3) US91282CAV37 Autorepo with CCP 3D
US_06_3011 (EQRD) US91282CAV37 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
US_06_3011 (EQRP) US91282CAV37 Autorepo with CCP 1D
US_06_3011 (EQW2) US91282CAV37 Autorepo with CCP 14D
US_06_3011 (EQWD) US91282CAV37 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
US_06_3011 (EQWP) US91282CAV37 Autorepo with CCP 7D
US_04_2908 (EQMP) US912810FJ26 Autorepo with CCP 30D
US_04_2908 (EQR2) US912810FJ26 Autorepo with CCP 2D
US_04_2908 (EQR3) US912810FJ26 Autorepo with CCP 3D
US_04_2908 (EQRD) US912810FJ26 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
US_04_2908 (EQRP) US912810FJ26 Autorepo with CCP 1D
US_04_2908 (EQW2) US912810FJ26 Autorepo with CCP 14D
US_04_2908 (EQWD) US912810FJ26 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
US_04_2908 (EQWP) US912810FJ26 Autorepo with CCP 7D
US143_3405 (EQMP) US91282CKQ32 Autorepo with CCP 30D
US143_3405 (EQR2) US91282CKQ32 Autorepo with CCP 2D
US143_3405 (EQR3) US91282CKQ32 Autorepo with CCP 3D
US143_3405 (EQRD) US91282CKQ32 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
US143_3405 (EQRP) US91282CKQ32 Autorepo with CCP 1D
US143_3405 (EQW2) US91282CKQ32 Autorepo with CCP 14D
US143_3405 (EQWD) US91282CKQ32 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
US143_3405 (EQWP) US91282CKQ32 Autorepo with CCP 7D
US142_3105 (EQMP) US91282CKU44 Autorepo with CCP 30D
US142_3105 (EQR2) US91282CKU44 Autorepo with CCP 2D
US142_3105 (EQR3) US91282CKU44 Autorepo with CCP 3D
US142_3105 (EQRD) US91282CKU44 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
US142_3105 (EQRP) US91282CKU44 Autorepo with CCP 1D
US142_3105 (EQW2) US91282CKU44 Autorepo with CCP 14D
US142_3105 (EQWD) US91282CKU44 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
US142_3105 (EQWP) US91282CKU44 Autorepo with CCP 7D
US129_2503 (EQMP) US912797KJ59 Autorepo with CCP 30D
US129_2503 (EQR2) US912797KJ59 Autorepo with CCP 2D
US129_2503 (EQR3) US912797KJ59 Autorepo with CCP 3D
US129_2503 (EQRD) US912797KJ59 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
US129_2503 (EQRP) US912797KJ59 Autorepo with CCP 1D
US129_2503 (EQW2) US912797KJ59 Autorepo with CCP 14D
US129_2503 (EQWD) US912797KJ59 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
US129_2503 (EQWP) US912797KJ59 Autorepo with CCP 7D
US128_2504 (EQMP) US912797KS58 Autorepo with CCP 30D
US128_2504 (EQR2) US912797KS58 Autorepo with CCP 2D
US128_2504 (EQR3) US912797KS58 Autorepo with CCP 3D
US128_2504 (EQRD) US912797KS58 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
US128_2504 (EQRP) US912797KS58 Autorepo with CCP 1D
US128_2504 (EQW2) US912797KS58 Autorepo with CCP 14D
US128_2504 (EQWD) US912797KS58 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
US128_2504 (EQWP) US912797KS58 Autorepo with CCP 7D
US127_2505 (EQMP) US912797LB15 Autorepo with CCP 30D
US127_2505 (EQR2) US912797LB15 Autorepo with CCP 2D
US127_2505 (EQR3) US912797LB15 Autorepo with CCP 3D
US127_2505 (EQRD) US912797LB15 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
US127_2505 (EQRP) US912797LB15 Autorepo with CCP 1D
US127_2505 (EQW2) US912797LB15 Autorepo with CCP 14D
US127_2505 (EQWD) US912797LB15 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
US127_2505 (EQWP) US912797LB15 Autorepo with CCP 7D
URA_KZ (EQRD) US37954Y8710 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
URA_KZ (EQWD) US37954Y8710 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
UBER_KZ (EQRD) US90353T1007 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
UBER_KZ (EQWD) US90353T1007 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
T_KZ (EQRD) US00206R1023 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
T_KZ (EQWD) US00206R1023 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
TXN_KZ (EQRD) US8825081040 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
TXN_KZ (EQWD) US8825081040 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
TSLA_KZ (EQRD) US88160R1014 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
TSLA_KZ (EQWD) US88160R1014 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
TLT_KZ (EQRD) US4642874329 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
TLT_KZ (EQWD) US4642874329 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
SKKZe1 (EQMP) US84612WAA18 Autorepo with CCP 30D
SKKZe1 (EQR2) US84612WAA18 Autorepo with CCP 2D
SKKZe1 (EQR3) US84612WAA18 Autorepo with CCP 3D
SKKZe1 (EQRD) US84612WAA18 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
SKKZe1 (EQRP) US84612WAA18 Autorepo with CCP 1D
SKKZe1 (EQW2) US84612WAA18 Autorepo with CCP 14D
SKKZe1 (EQWD) US84612WAA18 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
SKKZe1 (EQWP) US84612WAA18 Autorepo with CCP 7D
SBUX_KZ (EQRD) US8552441094 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
SBUX_KZ (EQWD) US8552441094 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
SA_01_2803 (EQMP) XS1694217495 Autorepo with CCP 30D
SA_01_2803 (EQR2) XS1694217495 Autorepo with CCP 2D
SA_01_2803 (EQR3) XS1694217495 Autorepo with CCP 3D
SA_01_2803 (EQRD) XS1694217495 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
SA_01_2803 (EQRP) XS1694217495 Autorepo with CCP 1D
SA_01_2803 (EQW2) XS1694217495 Autorepo with CCP 14D
SA_01_2803 (EQWD) XS1694217495 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
SA_01_2803 (EQWP) XS1694217495 Autorepo with CCP 7D
QQQ_KZ (EQRD) US46090E1038 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
QQQ_KZ (EQWD) US46090E1038 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
QCOM_KZ (EQRD) US7475251036 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
QCOM_KZ (EQWD) US7475251036 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
QA_01_2606 (EQMP) XS1405782159 Autorepo with CCP 30D
QA_01_2606 (EQR2) XS1405782159 Autorepo with CCP 2D
QA_01_2606 (EQR3) XS1405782159 Autorepo with CCP 3D
QA_01_2606 (EQRD) XS1405782159 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
QA_01_2606 (EQRP) XS1405782159 Autorepo with CCP 1D
QA_01_2606 (EQW2) XS1405782159 Autorepo with CCP 14D
QA_01_2606 (EQWD) XS1405782159 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
QA_01_2606 (EQWP) XS1405782159 Autorepo with CCP 7D
PYPL_KZ (EQRD) US70450Y1038 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
PYPL_KZ (EQWD) US70450Y1038 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
PFE_KZ (EQRD) US7170811035 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
PFE_KZ (EQWD) US7170811035 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
OXY_KZ (EQRD) US6745991058 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
OXY_KZ (EQWD) US6745991058 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
ORCL_KZ (EQRD) US68389X1054 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
ORCL_KZ (EQWD) US68389X1054 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
OM_01_2908 (EQMP) XS1944412748 Autorepo with CCP 30D
OM_01_2908 (EQR2) XS1944412748 Autorepo with CCP 2D
OM_01_2908 (EQR3) XS1944412748 Autorepo with CCP 3D
OM_01_2908 (EQRD) XS1944412748 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
OM_01_2908 (EQRP) XS1944412748 Autorepo with CCP 1D
OM_01_2908 (EQW2) XS1944412748 Autorepo with CCP 14D
OM_01_2908 (EQWD) XS1944412748 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
OM_01_2908 (EQWP) XS1944412748 Autorepo with CCP 7D
NVDA_KZ (EQRD) US67066G1040 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
NVDA_KZ (EQWD) US67066G1040 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
NTK028_2860 (EQR2) KZW100014262 Autorepo with CCP 2D
NTK028_2860 (EQRP) KZW100014262 Autorepo with CCP 1D
NKE_KZ (EQRD) US6541061031 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
NKE_KZ (EQWD) US6541061031 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
NFLX_KZ (EQRD) US64110L1061 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
NFLX_KZ (EQWD) US64110L1061 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
NEM_KZ (EQRD) US6516391066 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
NEM_KZ (EQWD) US6516391066 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
M_KZ (EQRD) US55616P1049 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
M_KZ (EQWD) US55616P1049 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
MU_KZ (EQRD) US5951121038 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
MU_KZ (EQWD) US5951121038 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
MUM360_0001 (EQR2) KZKD00000824 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM360_0001 (EQRP) KZKD00000824 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM300_0003 (EQR2) KZKD00000857 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM300_0003 (EQRP) KZKD00000857 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM300_0002 (EQR2) KZKD00000774 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM300_0002 (EQRP) KZKD00000774 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM300_0001 (EQR2) KZKD00000725 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM300_0001 (EQRP) KZKD00000725 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM240_0004 (EQR2) KZKD00000832 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM240_0004 (EQRP) KZKD00000832 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM240_0002 (EQR2) KZKD00000741 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM240_0002 (EQRP) KZKD00000741 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM240_0001 (EQR2) KZKD00000550 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM240_0001 (EQRP) KZKD00000550 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM216_0002 (EQR2) KZKD00001079 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM216_0002 (EQRP) KZKD00001079 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM216_0001 (EQR2) KZKD00000972 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM216_0001 (EQRP) KZKD00000972 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM192_0003 (EQR2) KZKD00000626 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM192_0003 (EQRP) KZKD00000626 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM192_0002 (EQR2) KZKD00000543 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM192_0002 (EQRP) KZKD00000543 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM192_0001 (EQR2) KZKD00000477 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM192_0001 (EQRP) KZKD00000477 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM180_0016 (EQR2) KZKD00001194 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM180_0016 (EQRP) KZKD00001194 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM180_0015 (EQR2) KZKD00001186 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM180_0015 (EQRP) KZKD00001186 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM180_0014 (EQR2) KZKD00000956 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM180_0014 (EQRP) KZKD00000956 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM180_0013 (EQR2) KZKD00000931 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM180_0013 (EQRP) KZKD00000931 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM180_0012 (EQR2) KZKD00000840 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM180_0012 (EQRP) KZKD00000840 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM180_0011 (EQR2) KZKD00000790 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM180_0011 (EQRP) KZKD00000790 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM180_0009 (EQR2) KZKD00000717 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM180_0009 (EQRP) KZKD00000717 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM180_0008 (EQR2) KZKD00000659 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM180_0008 (EQRP) KZKD00000659 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM180_0007 (EQR2) KZKD00000618 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM180_0007 (EQRP) KZKD00000618 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM180_0006 (EQR2) KZKD00000535 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM180_0006 (EQRP) KZKD00000535 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM180_0005 (EQR2) KZKD00000493 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM180_0005 (EQRP) KZKD00000493 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM180_0004 (EQR2) KZKD00000444 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM180_0004 (EQRP) KZKD00000444 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM180_0003 (EQR2) KZKD00000337 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM180_0003 (EQRP) KZKD00000337 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM168_0005 (EQR2) KZKD00001111 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM168_0005 (EQRP) KZKD00001111 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM168_0003 (EQR2) KZKD00000949 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM168_0003 (EQRP) KZKD00000949 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM168_0002 (EQR2) KZKD00000485 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM168_0002 (EQRP) KZKD00000485 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM168_0001 (EQR2) KZKD00000469 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM168_0001 (EQRP) KZKD00000469 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM156_0007 (EQR2) KZKD00001103 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM156_0007 (EQRP) KZKD00001103 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM156_0006 (EQR2) KZKD00000964 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM156_0006 (EQRP) KZKD00000964 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM156_0005 (EQR2) KZKD00000758 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM156_0005 (EQRP) KZKD00000758 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM144_0009 (EQR2) KZKD00001178 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM144_0009 (EQRP) KZKD00001178 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM144_0006 (EQR2) KZKD00000709 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM144_0006 (EQRP) KZKD00000709 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM132_0007 (EQR2) KZKD00001152 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM132_0007 (EQRP) KZKD00001152 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM132_0006 (EQR2) KZKD00000873 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM132_0006 (EQRP) KZKD00000873 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM120_0020 (EQR2) KZKD00001269 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM120_0020 (EQRP) KZKD00001269 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM120_0019 (EQR2) KZKD00001129 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM120_0019 (EQRP) KZKD00001129 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM120_0018 (EQR2) KZKD00000907 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM120_0018 (EQRP) KZKD00000907 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM120_0017 (EQR2) KZKD00000899 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM120_0017 (EQRP) KZKD00000899 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM120_0016 (EQR2) KZKD00000865 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM120_0016 (EQRP) KZKD00000865 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM108_0015 (EQR2) KZKD00001277 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM108_0015 (EQRP) KZKD00001277 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM108_0014 (EQR2) KZKD00001236 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM108_0014 (EQRP) KZKD00001236 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM108_0013 (EQR2) KZKD00001087 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM108_0013 (EQRP) KZKD00001087 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM108_0012 (EQR2) KZKD00000915 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM108_0012 (EQRP) KZKD00000915 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM096_0014 (EQR2) KZKD00001228 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM096_0014 (EQRP) KZKD00001228 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM096_0013 (EQR2) KZKD00001202 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM096_0013 (EQRP) KZKD00001202 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM096_0012 (EQR2) KZKD00001160 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM096_0012 (EQRP) KZKD00001160 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM096_0011 (EQR2) KZKD00001095 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM096_0011 (EQRP) KZKD00001095 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM084_0020 (EQR2) KZKD00001285 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM084_0020 (EQRP) KZKD00001285 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM084_0019 (EQR2) KZKD00001244 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM084_0019 (EQRP) KZKD00001244 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM084_0018 (EQR2) KZKD00001137 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM084_0018 (EQRP) KZKD00001137 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM072_0015 (EQR2) KZKD00001251 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM072_0015 (EQRP) KZKD00001251 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM072_0014 (EQR2) KZKD00001210 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM072_0014 (EQRP) KZKD00001210 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MUM072_0013 (EQR2) KZKD00001145 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MUM072_0013 (EQRP) KZKD00001145 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MTM096_0001 (EQR2) KZKT00000057 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MTM096_0001 (EQRP) KZKT00000057 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MTM084_0001 (EQR2) KZKT00000073 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MTM084_0001 (EQRP) KZKT00000073 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MTM072_0001 (EQR2) KZKT00000040 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MTM072_0001 (EQRP) KZKT00000040 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MTM060_0001 (EQR2) KZKT00000032 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MTM060_0001 (EQRP) KZKT00000032 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MTM048_0001 (EQR2) KZKT00000024 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MTM048_0001 (EQRP) KZKT00000024 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MTM036_0001 (EQR2) KZKT00000016 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MTM036_0001 (EQRP) KZKT00000016 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MTB_KZ (EQRD) US55261F1049 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
MTB_KZ (EQWD) US55261F1049 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
MSFT_KZ (EQRD) US5949181045 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
MSFT_KZ (EQWD) US5949181045 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
MRNA_KZ (EQRD) US60770K1079 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
MRNA_KZ (EQWD) US60770K1079 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
MOM060_0054 (EQR2) KZK200000737 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MOM060_0054 (EQRP) KZK200000737 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MOM060_0052 (EQR2) KZK200000679 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MOM060_0052 (EQRP) KZK200000679 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MOM048_0054 (EQR2) KZK200000729 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MOM048_0054 (EQRP) KZK200000729 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MOM048_0053 (EQR2) KZK200000711 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MOM048_0053 (EQRP) KZK200000711 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MOM048_0052 (EQR2) KZK200000687 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MOM048_0052 (EQRP) KZK200000687 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MOM036_0092 (EQR2) KZK200000703 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MOM036_0092 (EQRP) KZK200000703 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MOM024_0088 (EQR2) KZK200000752 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MOM024_0088 (EQRP) KZK200000752 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MKM012_0160 (EQR2) KZK100000373 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MKM012_0160 (EQRP) KZK100000373 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MKM012_0159 (EQR2) KZK100000365 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MKM012_0159 (EQRP) KZK100000365 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MKM012_0158 (EQR2) KZK100000357 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MKM012_0158 (EQRP) KZK100000357 Autorepo with CCP 1D
MKM012_0157 (EQR2) KZK100000332 Autorepo with CCP 2D
MKM012_0157 (EQRP) KZK100000332 Autorepo with CCP 1D
META_KZ (EQRD) US30303M1027 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
META_KZ (EQWD) US30303M1027 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
MA_KZ (EQRD) US57636Q1040 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
MA_KZ (EQWD) US57636Q1040 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
LQD_KZ (EQRD) US4642872422 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
LQD_KZ (EQWD) US4642872422 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
KZ_23_3504 (EQRD) XS2914770974 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
KZ_23_3504 (EQWD) XS2914770974 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
KZ_22_4507 (EQRD) US486661AH44 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
KZ_22_4507 (EQWD) US486661AH44 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
KZ_21_3106 (EQR2) RU000A101S16 Autorepo with CCP 2D
KZ_21_3106 (EQRP) RU000A101S16 Autorepo with CCP 1D
KZ_20_3106 (EQR2) RU000A101S08 Autorepo with CCP 2D
KZ_20_3106 (EQRP) RU000A101S08 Autorepo with CCP 1D
KZ_19_2806 (EQR2) RU000A101RW0 Autorepo with CCP 2D
KZ_19_2806 (EQRP) RU000A101RW0 Autorepo with CCP 1D
KZ_18_2606 (EQR2) RU000A101RT6 Autorepo with CCP 2D
KZ_18_2606 (EQRP) RU000A101RT6 Autorepo with CCP 1D
KZ_17_3009 (EQR2) RU000A101RZ3 Autorepo with CCP 2D
KZ_17_3009 (EQRP) RU000A101RZ3 Autorepo with CCP 1D
KZ_16_2709 (EQR2) RU000A101RV2 Autorepo with CCP 2D
KZ_16_2709 (EQRP) RU000A101RV2 Autorepo with CCP 1D
KZ_14_2609 (EQR2) XS2050933899 Autorepo with CCP 2D
KZ_14_2609 (EQRP) XS2050933899 Autorepo with CCP 1D
KZ_10_2811 (EQR2) XS1901718335 Autorepo with CCP 2D
KZ_10_2811 (EQRP) XS1901718335 Autorepo with CCP 1D
KZ_07_2507 (EQRD) XS1263054519 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
KZ_07_2507 (EQWD) XS1263054519 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
KZ_06_4410 (EQRD) US486661AF87 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
KZ_06_4410 (EQWD) US486661AF87 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
KZTO (EQMP) KZ1C00000744 Autorepo with CCP 30D
KZTO (EQR2) KZ1C00000744 Autorepo with CCP 2D
KZTO (EQR3) KZ1C00000744 Autorepo with CCP 3D
KZTO (EQRP) KZ1C00000744 Autorepo with CCP 1D
KZTO (EQW2) KZ1C00000744 Autorepo with CCP 14D
KZTO (EQWP) KZ1C00000744 Autorepo with CCP 7D
KZTKb4 (EQMP) KZ2C00005932 Autorepo with CCP 30D
KZTKb4 (EQR2) KZ2C00005932 Autorepo with CCP 2D
KZTKb4 (EQR3) KZ2C00005932 Autorepo with CCP 3D
KZTKb4 (EQRP) KZ2C00005932 Autorepo with CCP 1D
KZTKb4 (EQW2) KZ2C00005932 Autorepo with CCP 14D
KZTKb4 (EQWP) KZ2C00005932 Autorepo with CCP 7D
KZTK (EQMP) KZ0009093241 Autorepo with CCP 30D
KZTK (EQR2) KZ0009093241 Autorepo with CCP 2D
KZTK (EQR3) KZ0009093241 Autorepo with CCP 3D
KZTK (EQRP) KZ0009093241 Autorepo with CCP 1D
KZTK (EQW2) KZ0009093241 Autorepo with CCP 14D
KZTK (EQWP) KZ0009093241 Autorepo with CCP 7D
KZTK (EZMP) KZ0009093241 REPO with block 30 days
KZTK (EZR2) KZ0009093241 REPO with block 2 days
KZTK (EZR3) KZ0009093241 REPO with block 3 days
KZTK (EZRP) KZ0009093241 REPO with block 1 day
KZTK (EZW2) KZ0009093241 REPO with block 14 days
KZTK (EZWP) KZ0009093241 REPO with block 7 days
KZTGe1 (EQMP) US48668NAA90 Autorepo with CCP 30D
KZTGe1 (EQR2) US48668NAA90 Autorepo with CCP 2D
KZTGe1 (EQR3) US48668NAA90 Autorepo with CCP 3D
KZTGe1 (EQRD) US48668NAA90 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
KZTGe1 (EQRP) US48668NAA90 Autorepo with CCP 1D
KZTGe1 (EQW2) US48668NAA90 Autorepo with CCP 14D
KZTGe1 (EQWD) US48668NAA90 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
KZTGe1 (EQWP) US48668NAA90 Autorepo with CCP 7D
KZAPd (EQRD) KZ1C00001619 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
KZAPd (EQWD) KZ1C00001619 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
KZAPd (EZR2) KZ1C00001619 REPO with block 2 days
KZAP (EQMP) KZ1C00001619 Autorepo with CCP 30D
KZAP (EQR2) KZ1C00001619 Autorepo with CCP 2D
KZAP (EQR3) KZ1C00001619 Autorepo with CCP 3D
KZAP (EQRP) KZ1C00001619 Autorepo with CCP 1D
KZAP (EQW2) KZ1C00001619 Autorepo with CCP 14D
KZAP (EQWP) KZ1C00001619 Autorepo with CCP 7D
KZAP (EZMP) KZ1C00001619 REPO with block 30 days
KZAP (EZR2) KZ1C00001619 REPO with block 2 days
KZAP (EZR3) KZ1C00001619 REPO with block 3 days
KZAP (EZRP) KZ1C00001619 REPO with block 1 day
KZAP (EZW2) KZ1C00001619 REPO with block 14 days
KZAP (EZWP) KZ1C00001619 REPO with block 7 days
KSPId (EQRD) KZ1C00001536 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
KSPId (EQWD) KZ1C00001536 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
KSPI (EQMP) KZ1C00001536 Autorepo with CCP 30D
KSPI (EQR2) KZ1C00001536 Autorepo with CCP 2D
KSPI (EQR3) KZ1C00001536 Autorepo with CCP 3D
KSPI (EQRP) KZ1C00001536 Autorepo with CCP 1D
KSPI (EQW2) KZ1C00001536 Autorepo with CCP 14D
KSPI (EQWP) KZ1C00001536 Autorepo with CCP 7D
KO_KZ (EQRD) US1912161007 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
KO_KZ (EQWD) US1912161007 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
KMGZe16 (EQMP) US48126PAA03 Autorepo with CCP 30D
KMGZe16 (EQR2) US48126PAA03 Autorepo with CCP 2D
KMGZe16 (EQR3) US48126PAA03 Autorepo with CCP 3D
KMGZe16 (EQRD) US48126PAA03 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
KMGZe16 (EQRP) US48126PAA03 Autorepo with CCP 1D
KMGZe16 (EQW2) US48126PAA03 Autorepo with CCP 14D
KMGZe16 (EQWD) US48126PAA03 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
KMGZe16 (EQWP) US48126PAA03 Autorepo with CCP 7D
KMGZe15 (EQMP) US48667QAS49 Autorepo with CCP 30D
KMGZe15 (EQR2) US48667QAS49 Autorepo with CCP 2D
KMGZe15 (EQR3) US48667QAS49 Autorepo with CCP 3D
KMGZe15 (EQRD) US48667QAS49 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
KMGZe15 (EQRP) US48667QAS49 Autorepo with CCP 1D
KMGZe15 (EQW2) US48667QAS49 Autorepo with CCP 14D
KMGZe15 (EQWD) US48667QAS49 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
KMGZe15 (EQWP) US48667QAS49 Autorepo with CCP 7D
KMGZe14 (EQMP) US48667QAQ82 Autorepo with CCP 30D
KMGZe14 (EQR2) US48667QAQ82 Autorepo with CCP 2D
KMGZe14 (EQR3) US48667QAQ82 Autorepo with CCP 3D
KMGZe14 (EQRD) US48667QAQ82 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
KMGZe14 (EQRP) US48667QAQ82 Autorepo with CCP 1D
KMGZe14 (EQW2) US48667QAQ82 Autorepo with CCP 14D
KMGZe14 (EQWD) US48667QAQ82 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
KMGZe14 (EQWP) US48667QAQ82 Autorepo with CCP 7D
KMGZe12 (EQMP) US48667QAP00 Autorepo with CCP 30D
KMGZe12 (EQR2) US48667QAP00 Autorepo with CCP 2D
KMGZe12 (EQR3) US48667QAP00 Autorepo with CCP 3D
KMGZe12 (EQRD) US48667QAP00 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
KMGZe12 (EQRP) US48667QAP00 Autorepo with CCP 1D
KMGZe12 (EQW2) US48667QAP00 Autorepo with CCP 14D
KMGZe12 (EQWD) US48667QAP00 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
KMGZe12 (EQWP) US48667QAP00 Autorepo with CCP 7D
KMGZe11 (EQMP) US48667QAN51 Autorepo with CCP 30D
KMGZe11 (EQR2) US48667QAN51 Autorepo with CCP 2D
KMGZe11 (EQR3) US48667QAN51 Autorepo with CCP 3D
KMGZe11 (EQRD) US48667QAN51 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
KMGZe11 (EQRP) US48667QAN51 Autorepo with CCP 1D
KMGZe11 (EQW2) US48667QAN51 Autorepo with CCP 14D
KMGZe11 (EQWD) US48667QAN51 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
KMGZe11 (EQWP) US48667QAN51 Autorepo with CCP 7D
KMGZ (EQMP) KZ1C00001122 Autorepo with CCP 30D
KMGZ (EQR2) KZ1C00001122 Autorepo with CCP 2D
KMGZ (EQR3) KZ1C00001122 Autorepo with CCP 3D
KMGZ (EQRP) KZ1C00001122 Autorepo with CCP 1D
KMGZ (EQW2) KZ1C00001122 Autorepo with CCP 14D
KMGZ (EQWP) KZ1C00001122 Autorepo with CCP 7D
KEGCb3 (EQMP) KZ2C00006658 Autorepo with CCP 30D
KEGCb3 (EQR2) KZ2C00006658 Autorepo with CCP 2D
KEGCb3 (EQR3) KZ2C00006658 Autorepo with CCP 3D
KEGCb3 (EQRP) KZ2C00006658 Autorepo with CCP 1D
KEGCb3 (EQW2) KZ2C00006658 Autorepo with CCP 14D
KEGCb3 (EQWP) KZ2C00006658 Autorepo with CCP 7D
KEGC (EQMP) KZ1C00000959 Autorepo with CCP 30D
KEGC (EQR2) KZ1C00000959 Autorepo with CCP 2D
KEGC (EQR3) KZ1C00000959 Autorepo with CCP 3D
KEGC (EQRP) KZ1C00000959 Autorepo with CCP 1D
KEGC (EQW2) KZ1C00000959 Autorepo with CCP 14D
KEGC (EQWP) KZ1C00000959 Autorepo with CCP 7D
KEGC (EZMP) KZ1C00000959 REPO with block 30 days
KEGC (EZR2) KZ1C00000959 REPO with block 2 days
KEGC (EZR3) KZ1C00000959 REPO with block 3 days
KEGC (EZRP) KZ1C00000959 REPO with block 1 day
KEGC (EZW2) KZ1C00000959 REPO with block 14 days
KEGC (EZWP) KZ1C00000959 REPO with block 7 days
KCEL (EQMP) KZ1C00000876 Autorepo with CCP 30D
KCEL (EQR2) KZ1C00000876 Autorepo with CCP 2D
KCEL (EQR3) KZ1C00000876 Autorepo with CCP 3D
KCEL (EQRP) KZ1C00000876 Autorepo with CCP 1D
KCEL (EQW2) KZ1C00000876 Autorepo with CCP 14D
KCEL (EQWP) KZ1C00000876 Autorepo with CCP 7D
KCEL (EZMP) KZ1C00000876 REPO with block 30 days
KCEL (EZR2) KZ1C00000876 REPO with block 2 days
KCEL (EZR3) KZ1C00000876 REPO with block 3 days
KCEL (EZRP) KZ1C00000876 REPO with block 1 day
KCEL (EZW2) KZ1C00000876 REPO with block 14 days
KCEL (EZWP) KZ1C00000876 REPO with block 7 days
JPM_KZ (EQRD) US46625H1005 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
JPM_KZ (EQWD) US46625H1005 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
JNJ_KZ (EQRD) US4781601046 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
JNJ_KZ (EQWD) US4781601046 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
INTC_KZ (EQRD) US4581401001 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
INTC_KZ (EQWD) US4581401001 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
IGLB_KZ (EQRD) US4642895118 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
IGLB_KZ (EQWD) US4642895118 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
IFC_e9 (EQRD) US45950KDD90 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
IFC_e9 (EQWD) US45950KDD90 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
IE_FXBF (EQMP) IE00BG0C3K84 Autorepo with CCP 30D
IE_FXBF (EQR2) IE00BG0C3K84 Autorepo with CCP 2D
IE_FXBF (EQR3) IE00BG0C3K84 Autorepo with CCP 3D
IE_FXBF (EQRP) IE00BG0C3K84 Autorepo with CCP 1D
IE_FXBF (EQW2) IE00BG0C3K84 Autorepo with CCP 14D
IE_FXBF (EQWP) IE00BG0C3K84 Autorepo with CCP 7D
IBRDe6 (EQRD) US459058LF82 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
IBRDe6 (EQWD) US459058LF82 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
IBRDe5 (EQRD) US459058LA95 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
IBRDe5 (EQWD) US459058LA95 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
IBRDe3 (EQRD) US459058KL69 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
IBRDe3 (EQWD) US459058KL69 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
IBRDe2 (EQRD) US459058KW25 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
IBRDe2 (EQWD) US459058KW25 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
IBM_KZ (EQRD) US4592001014 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
IBM_KZ (EQWD) US4592001014 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
HYG_KZ (EQRD) US4642885135 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
HYG_KZ (EQWD) US4642885135 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
HSBKd (EQRD) KZ000A0LE0S4 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
HSBKd (EQWD) KZ000A0LE0S4 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
HSBKb22 (EQMP) KZ2C00012482 Autorepo with CCP 30D
HSBKb22 (EQR2) KZ2C00012482 Autorepo with CCP 2D
HSBKb22 (EQR3) KZ2C00012482 Autorepo with CCP 3D
HSBKb22 (EQRP) KZ2C00012482 Autorepo with CCP 1D
HSBKb22 (EQW2) KZ2C00012482 Autorepo with CCP 14D
HSBKb22 (EQWP) KZ2C00012482 Autorepo with CCP 7D
HSBK (EQMP) KZ000A0LE0S4 Autorepo with CCP 30D
HSBK (EQR2) KZ000A0LE0S4 Autorepo with CCP 2D
HSBK (EQR3) KZ000A0LE0S4 Autorepo with CCP 3D
HSBK (EQRP) KZ000A0LE0S4 Autorepo with CCP 1D
HSBK (EQW2) KZ000A0LE0S4 Autorepo with CCP 14D
HSBK (EQWP) KZ000A0LE0S4 Autorepo with CCP 7D
HSBK (EZMP) KZ000A0LE0S4 REPO with block 30 days
HSBK (EZR2) KZ000A0LE0S4 REPO with block 2 days
HSBK (EZR3) KZ000A0LE0S4 REPO with block 3 days
HSBK (EZRP) KZ000A0LE0S4 REPO with block 1 day
HSBK (EZW2) KZ000A0LE0S4 REPO with block 14 days
HSBK (EZWP) KZ000A0LE0S4 REPO with block 7 days
GOOG_KZ (EQRD) US02079K1079 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
GOOG_KZ (EQWD) US02079K1079 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
GDX_KZ (EQRD) US92189F1066 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
GDX_KZ (EQWD) US92189F1066 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
GCGlobalSec (GCOM) KZCCP0000050 Autorepo with CCP GCC 30 days
GCGlobalSec (GCOW) KZCCP0000050 Autorepo with CCP GCC 7 days
GCGlobalSec (GCR2) KZCCP0000050 Autorepo with CCP GCC 2 days
GCGlobalSec (GCR3) KZCCP0000050 Autorepo with CCP GCC 3 days
GCGlobalSec (GCRP) KZCCP0000050 Autorepo with CCP GCC 1 day
GCGlobalSec (GCSM) KZCCP0000050 Autorepo with CCP GCC 60 days
GCGlobalSec (GCSW) KZCCP0000050 Autorepo with CCP GCC 14 days
GCGlobalSec (GCTM) KZCCP0000050 Autorepo with CCP GCC 90 days
F_KZ (EQRD) US3453708600 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
F_KZ (EQWD) US3453708600 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
FTNT_KZ (EQRD) US34959E1091 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
FTNT_KZ (EQWD) US34959E1091 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
FRHC_KZ (EQRD) US3563901046 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
FRHC_KZ (EQWD) US3563901046 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
FLGB_KZ (EQRD) US35473P6786 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
FLGB_KZ (EQWD) US35473P6786 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
FFINgw (EQMP) KZPF00000090 Autorepo with CCP 30D
FFINgw (EQR2) KZPF00000090 Autorepo with CCP 2D
FFINgw (EQR3) KZPF00000090 Autorepo with CCP 3D
FFINgw (EQRP) KZPF00000090 Autorepo with CCP 1D
FFINgw (EQW2) KZPF00000090 Autorepo with CCP 14D
FFINgw (EQWP) KZPF00000090 Autorepo with CCP 7D
FFIN_or (EQMP) KZPF00000082 Autorepo with CCP 30D
FFIN_or (EQR2) KZPF00000082 Autorepo with CCP 2D
FFIN_or (EQR3) KZPF00000082 Autorepo with CCP 3D
FFIN_or (EQRP) KZPF00000082 Autorepo with CCP 1D
FFIN_or (EQW2) KZPF00000082 Autorepo with CCP 14D
FFIN_or (EQWP) KZPF00000082 Autorepo with CCP 7D
FCX_KZ (EQRD) US35671D8570 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
FCX_KZ (EQWD) US35671D8570 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
EWQ_KZ (EQRD) US4642867075 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
EWQ_KZ (EQWD) US4642867075 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
EIB_e3 (EQRD) US298785JW79 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
EIB_e3 (EQWD) US298785JW79 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
EIB_e1 (EQRD) US298785JT41 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
EIB_e1 (EQWD) US298785JT41 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
EBRDe26 (EQRD) US29874QFA76 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
EBRDe26 (EQWD) US29874QFA76 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
EBRDe24 (EQRD) US29874QEX88 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
EBRDe24 (EQWD) US29874QEX88 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
EABRe5 (EQRD) KZX000001433 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
EABRe5 (EQWD) KZX000001433 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
EABRb40 (EQRD) KZ2D00009628 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
EABRb40 (EQWD) KZ2D00009628 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
DIS_KZ (EQRD) US2546871060 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
DIS_KZ (EQWD) US2546871060 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
C_KZ (EQRD) US1729674242 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
C_KZ (EQWD) US1729674242 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
CRM_KZ (EQRD) US79466L3024 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
CRM_KZ (EQWD) US79466L3024 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
COP_KZ (EQRD) US20825C1045 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
COP_KZ (EQWD) US20825C1045 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
CCBN (EQMP) KZ0007786572 Autorepo with CCP 30D
CCBN (EQR2) KZ0007786572 Autorepo with CCP 2D
CCBN (EQR3) KZ0007786572 Autorepo with CCP 3D
CCBN (EQRP) KZ0007786572 Autorepo with CCP 1D
CCBN (EQW2) KZ0007786572 Autorepo with CCP 14D
CCBN (EQWP) KZ0007786572 Autorepo with CCP 7D
CCBN (EZMP) KZ0007786572 REPO with block 30 days
CCBN (EZR2) KZ0007786572 REPO with block 2 days
CCBN (EZR3) KZ0007786572 REPO with block 3 days
CCBN (EZRP) KZ0007786572 REPO with block 1 day
CCBN (EZW2) KZ0007786572 REPO with block 14 days
CCBN (EZWP) KZ0007786572 REPO with block 7 days
CAT_KZ (EQRD) US1491231015 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
CAT_KZ (EQWD) US1491231015 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
BRKZe4 (EQMP) XS0248160102 Autorepo with CCP 30D
BRKZe4 (EQR2) XS0248160102 Autorepo with CCP 2D
BRKZe4 (EQR3) XS0248160102 Autorepo with CCP 3D
BRKZe4 (EQRD) XS0248160102 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
BRKZe4 (EQRP) XS0248160102 Autorepo with CCP 1D
BRKZe4 (EQW2) XS0248160102 Autorepo with CCP 14D
BRKZe4 (EQWD) XS0248160102 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
BRKZe4 (EQWP) XS0248160102 Autorepo with CCP 7D
BRKZe16 (EQMP) US25159XAE31 Autorepo with CCP 30D
BRKZe16 (EQR2) US25159XAE31 Autorepo with CCP 2D
BRKZe16 (EQR3) US25159XAE31 Autorepo with CCP 3D
BRKZe16 (EQRD) US25159XAE31 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
BRKZe16 (EQRP) US25159XAE31 Autorepo with CCP 1D
BRKZe16 (EQW2) US25159XAE31 Autorepo with CCP 14D
BRKZe16 (EQWD) US25159XAE31 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
BRKZe16 (EQWP) US25159XAE31 Autorepo with CCP 7D
BRKZe13 (EQMP) US48129VAA44 Autorepo with CCP 30D
BRKZe13 (EQR2) US48129VAA44 Autorepo with CCP 2D
BRKZe13 (EQR3) US48129VAA44 Autorepo with CCP 3D
BRKZe13 (EQRD) US48129VAA44 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
BRKZe13 (EQRP) US48129VAA44 Autorepo with CCP 1D
BRKZe13 (EQW2) US48129VAA44 Autorepo with CCP 14D
BRKZe13 (EQWD) US48129VAA44 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
BRKZe13 (EQWP) US48129VAA44 Autorepo with CCP 7D
BRKZe12 (EQMP) US25159XAD57 Autorepo with CCP 30D
BRKZe12 (EQR2) US25159XAD57 Autorepo with CCP 2D
BRKZe12 (EQR3) US25159XAD57 Autorepo with CCP 3D
BRKZe12 (EQRD) US25159XAD57 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
BRKZe12 (EQRP) US25159XAD57 Autorepo with CCP 1D
BRKZe12 (EQW2) US25159XAD57 Autorepo with CCP 14D
BRKZe12 (EQWD) US25159XAD57 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
BRKZe12 (EQWP) US25159XAD57 Autorepo with CCP 7D
BRKZb30 (EQMP) KZ2C00009405 Autorepo with CCP 30D
BRKZb30 (EQR2) KZ2C00009405 Autorepo with CCP 2D
BRKZb30 (EQR3) KZ2C00009405 Autorepo with CCP 3D
BRKZb30 (EQRD) KZ2C00009405 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
BRKZb30 (EQRP) KZ2C00009405 Autorepo with CCP 1D
BRKZb30 (EQW2) KZ2C00009405 Autorepo with CCP 14D
BRKZb30 (EQWD) KZ2C00009405 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
BRKZb30 (EQWP) KZ2C00009405 Autorepo with CCP 7D
BOTZ_KZ (EQRD) US37954Y7159 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
BOTZ_KZ (EQWD) US37954Y7159 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
BITO_KZ (EQRD) US74347G4405 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
BITO_KZ (EQWD) US74347G4405 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
BIIB_KZ (EQRD) US09062X1037 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
BIIB_KZ (EQWD) US09062X1037 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
BIGDb2 (EQMP) KZ2D00012531 Autorepo with CCP 30D
BIGDb2 (EQR2) KZ2D00012531 Autorepo with CCP 2D
BIGDb2 (EQR3) KZ2D00012531 Autorepo with CCP 3D
BIGDb2 (EQRD) KZ2D00012531 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
BIGDb2 (EQRP) KZ2D00012531 Autorepo with CCP 1D
BIGDb2 (EQW2) KZ2D00012531 Autorepo with CCP 14D
BIGDb2 (EQWD) KZ2D00012531 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
BIGDb2 (EQWP) KZ2D00012531 Autorepo with CCP 7D
BIGDb1 (EQMP) KZ2D00012457 Autorepo with CCP 30D
BIGDb1 (EQR2) KZ2D00012457 Autorepo with CCP 2D
BIGDb1 (EQR3) KZ2D00012457 Autorepo with CCP 3D
BIGDb1 (EQRP) KZ2D00012457 Autorepo with CCP 1D
BIGDb1 (EQW2) KZ2D00012457 Autorepo with CCP 14D
BIGDb1 (EQWP) KZ2D00012457 Autorepo with CCP 7D
BCCIrb (EQMP) KZPF00000231 Autorepo with CCP 30D
BCCIrb (EQR2) KZPF00000231 Autorepo with CCP 2D
BCCIrb (EQR3) KZPF00000231 Autorepo with CCP 3D
BCCIrb (EQRP) KZPF00000231 Autorepo with CCP 1D
BCCIrb (EQW2) KZPF00000231 Autorepo with CCP 14D
BCCIrb (EQWP) KZPF00000231 Autorepo with CCP 7D
BCCI_cc (EQRD) KZPF00000058 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
BCCI_cc (EQWD) KZPF00000058 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
BA_KZ (EQRD) US0970231058 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
BA_KZ (EQWD) US0970231058 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
BAC_KZ (EQRD) US0605051046 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
BAC_KZ (EQWD) US0605051046 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
AT_01_2006 (EQMP) AT0000A2HLC4 Autorepo with CCP 30D
AT_01_2006 (EQR2) AT0000A2HLC4 Autorepo with CCP 2D
AT_01_2006 (EQR3) AT0000A2HLC4 Autorepo with CCP 3D
AT_01_2006 (EQRP) AT0000A2HLC4 Autorepo with CCP 1D
AT_01_2006 (EQW2) AT0000A2HLC4 Autorepo with CCP 14D
AT_01_2006 (EQWP) AT0000A2HLC4 Autorepo with CCP 7D
ASDBe18 (EQRD) US045167GD94 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
ASDBe18 (EQWD) US045167GD94 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
ASDBe17 (EQRD) US045167FW84 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
ASDBe17 (EQWD) US045167FW84 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
AMZN_KZ (EQRD) US0231351067 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
AMZN_KZ (EQWD) US0231351067 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
AMD_KZ (EQRD) US0079031078 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
AMD_KZ (EQWD) US0079031078 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
AIR_KZ (EQMP) NL0000235190 Autorepo with CCP 30D
AIR_KZ (EQR2) NL0000235190 Autorepo with CCP 2D
AIR_KZ (EQR3) NL0000235190 Autorepo with CCP 3D
AIR_KZ (EQRP) NL0000235190 Autorepo with CCP 1D
AIR_KZ (EQW2) NL0000235190 Autorepo with CCP 14D
AIR_KZ (EQWP) NL0000235190 Autorepo with CCP 7D
AIRA (EQMP) KZ1C00004050 Autorepo with CCP 30D
AIRA (EQR2) KZ1C00004050 Autorepo with CCP 2D
AIRA (EQR3) KZ1C00004050 Autorepo with CCP 3D
AIRA (EQRP) KZ1C00004050 Autorepo with CCP 1D
AIRA (EQW2) KZ1C00004050 Autorepo with CCP 14D
AIRA (EQWP) KZ1C00004050 Autorepo with CCP 7D
AEP_KZ (EQRD) US0255371017 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
AEP_KZ (EQWD) US0255371017 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
ABT_KZ (EQRD) US0028241000 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
ABT_KZ (EQWD) US0028241000 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
AAPL_KZ (EQRD) US0378331005 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
AAPL_KZ (EQWD) US0378331005 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
AAL_KZ (EQRD) US02376R1023 Autorepo with CCP 1D USD
AAL_KZ (EQWD) US02376R1023 Autorepo with CCP 7D USD
Subtotal: instruments – 713